Finding The Motivation To Finish 2020 and Start 2021 Strong

realtor motivation finish 2020 strong2020, for many of us, has been a tough year in the real estate business, including myself. Many of you might not have heard a starting gun, but make no mistake about it… The race has begun. You’re in an all-out sprint to end the year. That’s how I’d encourage you to look at the time remaining in 2020. Whether you’re still making up for lost time or you’re striving to establish new personal bests, now is not the time to take your foot off the pedal.

It’s time to go hard.

Let me share some tips to keep you motivated… A new quarter is always a good opportunity to revisit your goals and establish some new commitments and promises to yourself. Maybe it’s one discipline you need to practice every day from now until 2021… Maybe it’s closing strong on the behaviors necessary to reach your 2020 goal… Whatever the case, it’s time to make some commitments and promises to yourself:

How many appointments will you book?

How many listings will you take?

How many closings?

How much revenue?

What about savings goals and money set aside for taxes?

It doesn’t have to be all about the bottom line, either.

So answer these questions:

What books do you need to read? Here are my recent recommendations.

What topics do you need to learn about?

What events will you attend?

What people do you need to know or follow?

Make Your Promises Public and hold yourself accountable to your promises to yourself. Once you’ve answered these questions, do not stick them away in a drawer. Do the opposite… Make it public information. Get them “up and visual” in front of you and your tribe. Track your numbers and measure your progress every day. The more emphasis you put on the numbers, the more you’ll follow through on the actions to achieve them. Remember, how you finish 2020 will also determine how you start 2021. Come January 1, will you be starting from a standstill, or will you be flying into the new year full of momentum? The harder you run in this sprint to the finish line, the better position you’re going to be in once 2021 arrives.

Which begs a few more questions you need to answer now:

When will you create your 2021 business plan? Reserve time on your calendar today!

Where do you need to expand your business to achieve your 2021 goals?

What resources do you need to achieve your 2021 goals? Is it time to start growing your team?

Take a Look at the Bigger Picture. Right now is also a good time to look beyond your business and check in on the equities of your life:







Wisdom & Learning

Check out this video for more on that.

You might want to make a chart or simply ask yourself if you’re trending in the right or wrong direction in these categories. What do you need to work on to achieve better balance? You’ve Come A Long Way. Don’t Stop Now.

In closing, let me remind you how far you’ve come so far in 2020. Everything that’s been thrown at you, and you’re still standing. The strength is within you to persevere. I hope the questions I posed above provide the motivation to keep pursuing your goals throughout 2020. Don’t take your eyes off the prize. Keep going and make it happen!

Strength and courage,

Don’t Try To Be Perfect

you don't have to be perfect realtorI remember having coffee with a friend a few years ago and talking about a challenging time in my own life and he recommended a book to read by Brene Brown called “The Gifts of Imperfection.” So I bought a copy and took it with me on a weekend get away and couldn’t put it down. Have you ever read something and felt like it was written just for you? Well this book was something I could not believe wasn’t written page after page for just me and I think for most of you.
You can choose to let go of yourself to live a “fake life” for others, or you can embrace who you are and own your life story. You’ll love life, others, and yourself better when you’re authentic.

Live wholeheartedly by switching your mindset from trying to be perfect and identifying yourself with what other’s think, to feeling “I am enough” no matter what happens today. You’ll be more courageous, compassionate, and connected this way. And wholehearted living is a never-ending process, not a milestone.

Strive to DIG deep, especially when you’re tired and stressed by being:

  • Deliberate – Be intentional in what you think and do.
  • Inspired – Get yourself in the right emotional and mental place to feel like yourself.
  • Going – Take action, whether that’s to rest or work harder—just do it.

My Three Favorite Quotes

“Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make every day. It’s about the choice to show up and be real. The choice to be honest. The choice to let our true selves be seen.”

“Understanding the difference between healthy striving and perfectionism is critical to laying down the shield and picking up your life. Research shows that perfectionism hampers success. In fact, it’s often the path to depression, anxiety, addiction, and life paralysis.”

 “We cannot selectively numb emotions, when we numb the painful emotions, we also numb the positive emotions.”

Action Steps For You

Owning your story isn’t the easiest thing to do out there.

It takes guts to speak about your guilt and shame. It requires courage to tell people how you’re thinking instead of what you think they want you to say. And bravery is needed to live authentically with your imperfections.

Though when you practice living a true life where you think, speak, and act in congruence with yourself, not how you think you’re supposed to be, you open your heart to love yourself and others.

The means to do this are to practice courage, compassion, and connection on a daily basis. Those are the gifts of imperfection.

And don’t try to be perfect, you’ll live a lie because you’re not flawless and no one else is either. You’ll be happier when you embrace you’re human and have your faults, and allow others to help you or give you a shoulder to lean on.

So don’t try to be the Hollywood star you admire (we know they have their issues) or the cool guy at the office. Instead be your authentic self and own your story, then you’ll be blessed with the gifts of imperfection.

I challenge you, today, to go out and tell a trusted family member or friend how you’re feeling today and why. Be vulnerable. Open up and allow them to see your imperfection. If they’re a good friend, you’ll both feel better after this conversation.

The journey to wholehearted living can start today if you open your heart. The choice is yours. Please do it for yourself and the people around you.

And practice loving yourself. Find your favorite hobby so you can go to that to find play, rest, and joy. Give your heart and happiness as much attention as you give your real estate career and success. Ironically being happier will fuel you to be more successful.

Your life will never be the same when you strive for wholehearted living.

Strength and courage,

5 Ways Fear Can Motivate You

fear motivate you as a realtorBefore I was in real estate I was traveling all over the prairies for the summer as a college student selling encyclopedias door to door to pay for my music degree. Every day I would have to psyche ourselves up to start knocking on doors at 3pm until 10 pm and try finding someone who wanted to buy a set of encyclopedias for $1,999.99 a set. The thoughts that ran through my head before heading out were so powerful. Thoughts like the fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear that I wasn’t enough — fear is a common current that runs through all of our lives. And if we let it, fear can keep us locked up in the prison of the comfortable and predictable.

But there is also a way fear can serve a valuable purpose, helping us break through the frustration to achieve the life we truly desire. That’s right — if you allow it to, fear can become your ultimate motivator.

In your mind, if you have no choice but to succeed — if achieving your goal is an absolute must — then nothing else matters. Sacrifices won’t even be a question. Excuses go out the window. You’ll do whatever it takes to make it happen. Period. In my mind I believed these education materials “encyclopedias” would better their children and families lives and help them grow themselves and in turn grow their incomes.

I always knew I am one more “No” closer until I hear a yes. Full disclosure “I was selling before the internet even existed!” This is how some of the most successful people leverage fear in their lives. Rather than allowing fear to creep in and suck the life right out of their dreams, they know the real fear is the price they will pay if they don’t give their goals and visions every ounce of energy and focus they have. They know the real fear is living a life where they have settled or compromised on what they really wanted.

How do you adopt this mindset and perspective? How do you live a life where fear becomes your ally, not your enemy?

Here are 5 tips to stop letting fear control your happiness and to start leveraging fear to your advantage:


Ask yourself what it will cost you if you do not push past your fear. This will help you discover whether or not achieving a specific goal is a “must” and not just a “should.”

Sound confusing? Try imagining yourself when you are 80 years old, nearing the end of your life. You are sitting in your rocking chair, reflecting on how you lived your life. Now, look back on your life as if you had not achieved the goal you are after at this moment in your life. How has this affected the course of your life? What are your regrets? What do you wish you had made more time for? What do you wish you had tried? Is there sadness and regret? Are you wondering, “what if…?”


It’s easy to push our hopes, desires and dreams aside. We make excuses: there’s just not enough time, I don’t have the money or the resources, I have a family, I’m just too busy. And we start to hide behind those excuses. Because they’re comforting. They’re safe. But excuses will also bring you back to exactly where you started. So remember that the next time an excuse floats into your mind. By becoming more cognizant of your brain’s proclivity for using excuses so you won’t be held accountable, the better you will become at dismissing them.


People often give up on what they want because they believe reaching their goal is beyond their abilities. But the most successful people foster a growth mindset. They don’t think of their abilities as fixed, but rather as flexible. And when faced with a setback, they try harder. They adopt a new strategy. They keep seeking a solution.


The most painful experiences can help refine what you want, and what you don’t want in life. Failure, disappointment, dead-ends — these can all be used as a means of reflecting and saying, “this didn’t work. It wasn’t the right fit. So what do I really want?” Remember, we are built to adapt. So embrace this strength and use each experience as a tool to help you learn more about yourself and what you really must have in life.


You will fail. It’s just part of the process. Any successful person will tell you that. But failure offers insights and inherently corrects the faulty ways of approaching a problem. There is no teacher as impactful as the sting of failure. And no lesson in resilience better than the burn of rejection. But if you use these experiences as unique information, and adjust your strategy and approach the next time around, you will have an advantage no one else does.

Dealing with our own fears is something very real and something we all have to face. Choose to embrace your fears and begin to feed off your fears and propel you into a better you, business and life in 2018!!

Strength and courage,