Lesson’s For Agent’s From Toys R Us

realtors need to innovateThis year continues to present a challenging retail environment, which has now been further disrupted by the Toys “R” Us Chapter 11 filing. Toys R Us did two things over the past few decades that were not the best business decisions for them. The first decision was in about 2001 – 2002 when they chose to use Amazon for their fulfillment and make them the main fulfillment for their toys instead of believing in the internet.

This basically made buying toys off the internet from Amazon something we became very comfortable doing instead of us buying from Toys R Us and fulfilling their own toy orders to their customers on the internet. The second decision and most important decision was to not innovate themselves as a company and began to die from their lack of change and the toy world began to pass them buy. They didn’t change their stores to a place where you could have an experience with the toys. Why couldn’t they make video gaming stations, Lego building areas, slime centers, skate and bike park areas and millions of other toy experience ideas in their retail spaces and would still be alive and well today?

They chose to just sell toys where no parent wanted to really go and besides could just buy it online and not even leave their own home or they just pick it up for cheaper at Walmart while they are buying some groceries or buy it from a YouTube marketer or Instagram or Facebook ad. Toys R Us was not selling an experience and literally died from their decisions and lack of any retail innovation. This is the best example today for anyone in business or any of you in real estate if we don’t change, grow and innovate ourselves and our business and just rest on your laurels and do real estate the same way you did it 20 years ago!!

Our customers don’t just want to buy or sell a house just like they didn’t just want to walk into a Toys R Us and buy a toy any more. They want to have an experience and are willing to go where they can find that experience when buying or selling a home. So let me ask you what kind of an experience do you create for your clients and who is telling your story of what they experienced buying or selling with you? Are you having buyers virtually tour homes on a huge flat screen TV while they choose their short list of homes to physically view? Do you leave time at the beginning of touring homes for a stop through at Starbucks drive thru to pick up their favorite coffee and a snack for their tour? Are you preloading a tablet for your buyers to search homes using Wi-Fi and they are able to make notes on the tablet with a stylus about each home they tour? Are they viewing their paperless purchase contracts on the tablet and then digitally signing their offers on the tablet using Authentisign? Do you present to home sellers on a large iPad or laptop showing them the 3D floor plans, drone videos or interactive virtual reality goggles that their home will be marketed with when for sale with you and your brokerage?

The list of innovative ideas for agents and creating that innovative game changing experience for their clients is endless! The truth is so few agents are choosing to change, innovate themselves and their business and sadly my friends face the similar demise as Toys R Us in the coming 5 years. I challenge you today to commit to making a change with the way you market yourself and your real estate business and become a game changer and market leader in your market place today!

Strength and courage,

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The Top Ten Thoughts Agents Need To Eliminate

eliminate non productive thoughts as real estate agent“We become what we think about most of the time, and that’s the strangest secret.”

To an extent, we were all just going to do what we’re all going to do, and isn’t that such an enormous relief? After all, most of the time, we work with what we have to work with, we gravitate towards the things that make us happy, we source ideas and inspiration that are wholly unique and individual to us, and most of those processes are not even necessarily conscious, let alone active. People emerge from the womb a blank slate and fill the space with the things they’re naturally interested in. However, to be successful with what you want takes something behind active measures: you have to know yourself, make a practice out of your dreams, angle yourself towards the You who has always dwelled in your mind, and work hard at being Your Best Self. But the rest? Just keep dreaming.

Earl Nightingale (1921-1989) | American author & radio personality

Top 10 Thoughts To Eliminate As a REALTOR and in Your Personal Life:

1. Defeatist – a person who is accepting, expecting, or being resigned to defeat. Often linked to pessimism in psychology. How many of us have thought about defeat before we have even began?

2. Cynical – a person who believes people are motivated by self-interest. They are distrustful of human nature and motives. How many of us question others sincerity and integrity.

3. Vindictive – a person who has or shows a strong and unreasoning desire for revenge. Have you ever met someone that is always out to get back at someone else?

4. Blame/Fault – a person who assigns responsibility to someone or something else. How many of us are the “who cares?” “what are we going to do now?” type of people.

5. Wishful – a person who expresses the desire or hope of something to happen even though it is not happening. They do what they can to influence the project, situation, deal and just keep moving.

6. Self-pity – an excessive, self-absorbed un happiness over your own troubles. Have you met someone that needs to get over themselves … stop making excuses … no more drama or complaints?

7. Worrisome – a person who is full of anxiety and concern. Worrying won’t help, costs you time, and can drag you and others down.

8. Jealous – a person feeling or showing envy of someone or their achievements and advantages. If you want that achievement, then earn it!

9. Pre-argumentative – a person who builds their own imaginary argument and prepares themselves for the argument that may never happen. Imagine the energy and time we waste doing this?

10. Procrastinate – a person who always delays or postpones action and puts off doing something. If you’re going to procrastinate, it makes sense to do something fun instead of thinking about how bad it is you’re procrastinating.

Eliminating these thoughts might be impossible but minimizing them (and their impact) is completely doable. Here is the approach to eliminating these wasteful thoughts…

• Recognize them when they come up.
• Remind yourself they’re a costly distraction.
• Redirect your thinking (and/or doing) to something positive.

Embrace the simplicity by staying inspired and remember these are not our own thoughts, we just have friends with these kinds of wasteful thoughts 😉

Strength and courage,

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The Question People Ask Most Agents Don’t Know The Answer To

hows the real estate market?If someone opened the door of opportunity for you, would you slam it shut? If you’re shaking your head no right now, are you sure? I see agents make this mistake every single day.

I mean every single day…

It happens every day because this opportunity is without a doubt the most-asked question agents receive all the time. It’s something you probably hear every time you’re out in public or around friends, family members or acquaintances. Yet most agents honestly don’t know how to answer this often-asked question correctly, and therefore effectively slam the door of opportunity door shut, right in front of the person who opened it for them.

Would you agree that’s not a very nice thing to do? Also it’s definitely not helping their reputation or business. So have you guessed the Question yet? Let me share with you the question people ask agents the most and agents don’t know the proper answer to.

Here’s that question:

“How’s the market?”

Sound familiar? Can you think of how many times you were asked or you heard others ask that question about the market and about real estate in your area. It’s almost a cliché — Somebody meets a real estate agent, and that’s the first thing that blurts out of their mouth. “How’s the market?” opening the greatest opportunity for you and your real estate business.

The problem is your response cannot be a cliché. In fact, your response to the question has to be anything but.

Far too many agents simply reply, “It’s great!” or “I’m busy” or “Well, the high end is slow” and leave it at that. What a monumental mistake! What a missed opportunity! It’s actually painful to watch this happen.

By far one of the best and most effective dialogs to this question is a straightforward reply that goes like this:

“How’s the market? Well, it really depends. Are you interested in buying, selling, investing, or renting? They’re all very different. Which part of the market are you curious about?”

It’s that simple. Suddenly, you’ve engaged the prospect. You’re already providing value by helping them narrow their focus and get more specific, so you can help them solve whatever specific real estate need they’re facing.

By opening them up to thinking about their own situation, you’ve begun a meaningful dialogue that can lead somewhere productive — for them and for you. Once you identify their needs, you know where to take the conversation from there.

“But Wade, What About…” I can already hear you. Some people will say, “Oh, I’m just curious.” You’re right. So what’s your plan then? Does that mean you don’t engage them? Of course not. The dialog for that scenario goes like this:

“Are you curious about the value of your home? Are you curious about property values in your community? Are you curious because someone you know needs to sell?”

By pressing the issue and getting them to identify exactly what they’re curious about, again you’re getting that prospect to open up and think about his or her specific needs.
This is what leads to productive conversations, and leaves the prospect thinking you’re a true expert who knows what you’re talking about.

So Let’s Recap…

As long as you’re in real estate, you’re going to be asked “How’s the market?” at least once a day for the rest of your life. You basically have two choices — stick with the same old’ “It’s good” cliché response and lose that opportunity or adopt these dialogs and spark those conversations and turn those questions into clients and sales for life.

Strength and courage,

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Just Show Up. Put In the Work!

real estate is hard workEvery agent wants to separate themselves from the masses of agents in the business and stand out from the herd. I have accepted the fact that 80% of the agents I coach and who read my blog posts and take my training will be completely motivated, fired up and inspired but then do not a damn thing I share with them to change their business income and life. I think I might be generous with the 80% and maybe more like 98% of REALTORs.

I am not where I am today and achieved what I was able to achieve as a sales agent and a broker owner because I changed into a suit and a cape in a phone booth. It is amazing to me how so many agents can come up with so many different reasons why the other agents are so successful and why this agent is not successful and why they are not successful themselves. The reality is the only reason why I was fortunate enough to be successful and other agents you see that are so successful is we all did the one most important thing. “We all just showed up and did the work!” That is right, we all just showed up and did the work we were told to do and knew that the success would come from all the fruits of our labor.

Stop looking for that silver bullet, a shortcut or having such a lack of patience for your own success in real estate, I am sorry to say they do not exist! I see so many agents try something and don’t get the result they were looking for immediately and just stop doing it because they have decided in their own minds it doesn’t work. Why do agents turn on an online lead generation system and receive say 40 online buyer leads in the first week and don’t convert any of them in the first week and say to themselves well I tried and that doesn’t seem to work either and unsubscribe from the system? What else do you have that generates 40 buyer leads in a week and why turn it off, is my question? Let me ask you this….

Who do we really get to know as a buyer in the first week or two when the average buyer process is around three to eighteen months? But that is the agents mentality today and their expectation of lead generation, only looking for the quick fix and not the long tail in the world of real estate sales. One of my mentors said “You need to be faithful with the little to be given much.” Meaning you got to show up every day, make the calls, see the people, add value to others, find a need and meet it for buyer and sellers that need and deserve your help and just put in the work! Some of you may act on this message but most of you won’t.

If you want to be more in your business and life then start showing up starting today and put in the work and you will see the results and fruits of your labor!

Do, Act, Show Up, Implement and Execute on what you already know.

You all know enough already, stop looking to know more and start doing what you already know you are supposed to do. I don’t want my message today to come across as a little harsh but a message of hope for those that need a push to just start showing up!

Strength and courage,

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Leveraging The B2B Side Of Real Estate

B2B business to business real estateOne of the most overlooked opportunities for generating relationships and business for real estate agents is the B2B or business to business side of real estate. Every time I sit with another business owner or a service provider that I feel is a good fit with my business I am always trying to see where we can expose what they do with all the people I know and what I do. The universal principle of giving to get always has and always will work for me and my business hence the focus on me wanting to leverage with others and what they do and who they know with what I do in real estate and who I know. Imagine what a business owner or service provider would think or feel if you went out of your way to help expose, grow and enhance their business? So what are some of the ways real estate agents can leverage the B2B opportunities in today’s market place?

1) Start your own B2B business owner or service provider networking group. There are many excellent platforms out there, like BNI groups, but I liked to build and grow my own through the relationships I had made already. We met as a group once a month at a small deli in a good size meeting room at 7 am mid-week and spent time as a group sharing about each of our businesses. Sharing our challenges with each other for feedback on how to handle each of the situations. Most of all connecting as a group and sharing ways to grow our own business but help grow others in the group as well.

2) Cross marketing opportunities. Think of places where you could expose or promote and showcase other business owners and service providers. For example I had a section of interviews with each of my network group members on my Youtube channel. One of the most viewed pages on my own website was the business directory page that listed all the preferred business owners and services providers I knew and recommended. I added service providers contact info to my newsletters and every month had a discount voucher in the newsletter as a value add to my clients.

3) Review them and their business. I went ahead and gave as many of them I could reviews on google, testimonials on Linkedin, Yelp and some of them Tripadvisor without any of them asking me to do that for them. Most of them did the same for me in return.

4) Create a hard copy service directory book every year filled with every business owner and service provider I know and the ones that they all refer or recommend to me. I place everyone’s business information free and then offer one business card ad spot per category for $25 to help cover the costs of printing the small directory books each year. I get calls from all kinds of business owners and service providers asking how they could get in the directory each year. I hand the directory out to every one of my clients at the beginning of the year and use them for relocation packages, open houses and other opportunities I may meet someone new to the community as a little token gift.

5) Own your own service directory app. About a year ago a friend of mine created an app that allowed us to take the traditional service directory booklet and launch it on an app. Check out www.clientlinkt.com and load all your business owners and service providers information and any special discounts or offerings they might have and then get everyone you know to download your service directory app on their android or iphone in seconds! The app is customized to you and your relationships and your clients will love it but more important so will your B2B relationships!

These are just a taste of some ideas you can do to really tap into and leverage the B2B community out there. We forget there is this large pool of business owners and service providers out there that would just love to connect with an agent willing to help them with what they do with what the agent does and the people you know. I was incredibly blessed to have so many great business owners and service providers as a referral source to my business and I know it will do the same for you so Get At It!

Strength and courage,

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So Why Do Agents Fail?

why real estate agents failI know, I know… what is up with the Agentsboost motivational topic about failure this week Wade? The market is really good and things seem to be going well economically and we should all be grateful for the business we have and maintain a positive mindset.

I get it!

I want to address the elephant in the closet in our industry and that’s the failure rates of agents. “N.A.R. states that 87% of all agents fail and get out of the business within the first five years of their career”. What is more important to us is why agents fail in this business within their first five years?

Top Five Ways Agents Fail in Real Estate

1) No Planning & No Strategies

My good friend Joe Niego said “So many agents aim for nothing and hit it with amazing accuracy!” I can’t tell you how many agents we see that don’t have a simple business plan and marketing strategies on how much, of what and by when the activities they need to accomplish their goal personally and professionally. Know and commit to the right activities!

2) Fail To Attract Enough Leads

Having enough buyer and seller leads simply comes out of having enough lead generation funnels. Agents try one funnel a little bit and it doesn’t work and dump it. Try another a bit and dump that. In order to have enough buyer and seller leads agents need a minimum of 4 lead generation funnels in their business at a time. So what are the better funnels Wade? The Core Four in our business:

a) Database touches 28-36 touches a year to your database
b) Open house where they come to you and meet you and tell if they like and trust you.
c ) Geographic farm where it is better to be an expert and niche at something rather than average at everything in real estate.
d ) Online leads are the quick and easy way to get you started and top you and your business up regularly.

3) Poor Conversion

LGT “Let’s Get Together” is the single most important activity and knowing what to say and how to say it starts the conversion. Get the consumers attention by asking about their challenges and fears in today’s market place and then invite them to meet with you and hear your solutions to their challenges in today’s market place. Don’t just give them what they want so easily so they are like a fish that you bring right to the boat and they wink and spit the hook out and just swim away!

4) No or Poor Service

Follow up, Follow up, Follow up. If they are a hot lead follow up every 2-3 days, a warm lead follow up every 2-3 weeks. Always do more so you will under promise and over deliver every time! As agents we want to be “insisted” and not recommended and we get insisted by delivering the unexpected and wowing and awing the customer every time! Serve, follow up, wow and awe them and create raving lunatic fans of you and your business.

5) Run Out Of Money

Income must exceed the expenses and the key to real estate success is Profit! We need to spend money to make money but more important we need to track and measure our return on investment with every dollar we spend. It amazes me how many agents don’t even know what the minimum amount of money they need to survive at home monthly or at work monthly is? What your life costs plus what your business costs plus profit equals your annual income goal! Profitability is not a bad word.

So there you have it the top five reasons why agents fail 87% of the time within the first five years in the business. I dare you to take each of these items and sit down and build a strategy and plan to ensure your success and defy the real estate success odds!

Strength and courage,

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How To Build Your Personal Real Estate Brand

build your personal real estate brandBranding is such a crucial component of success. Think of some of the largest companies in the world — from Nike’s “swoosh” to Apple’s icon — everyone is familiar with the brands they created. I am a huge fan of agents taking the time to invest in themselves as a brand just like some of those big companies. It is important real estate agents have their brand within their corporate brands and build mindshare.

Today, building your personal brand is just as important as building your company’s brand — in fact, it might even be more important. Consumers want to hear the story behind the founders — the failures, struggles and the success. This means putting yourself out there and marketing yourself in addition to your company.

Here are some of the top ways to start building that personal brand.

1. Be visible and accessible.

You can’t hide in your office behind your computer and expect to build a personal brand. You need to get out and make yourself visible and accessible. Attend industry conferences, even if it’s just to network and socialize. Make your social media profiles open to the public and allow incoming messages. Hold live video Q&A sessions on social media and interact with your followers. The more visible and accessible you make yourself, the stronger your personal brand.

2. Show the real you on social media.

Don’t use social media as a 100 percent marketing channel. It’s fine to throw an offer out there or promote your company occasionally, but focus on showing the real you. If you come across as a robot or unauthentic you will push people away. Consumers love to see the other side — what you do on the weekends, where you eat, what your hobbies and interests are, etc. This makes you appear more human, which attracts more people to you.

3. Understand your industry inside and out.

Your business is only as good as the people running it, yourself included. It’s important you understand your industry inside and out — common sense. But, this also means staying up to date on latest trends, breaking news and your competition. When you do this, it helps to position yourself as a thought leader in your industry, elevating your personal brand to a higher level.

4. Practice 2-way networking.

A lot of people network the wrong way. They focus on their own needs and personal benefit, completely ignoring those needs and wants of the other person. Focus on 2-way beneficial networking, making sure to give the other person an opportunity to benefit from the relationship as well. This approach will help you secure more connections and opportunities, which will all contribute to strengthening your personal brand.

5. Maintain a detailed database of contacts.

As your personal brand grows, so will your list of contacts. It’s important you keep a detailed list of all your contacts. Who the person is, where you connected, potential opportunities and how you can help them are all things to keep track of. While it can be a great resource to search when you need something, it can also be referenced when you have an opportunity. Your relationships will become much stronger and beneficial when you approach a contact with an opportunity that helps them without asking for anything in return.

6. Become a trusted source of breaking news and relevant information.

You know your personal brand is strong when you become a source of information. Strive to be the person media outlets and journalists contact when they need expert advice or information on a popular topic or breaking news. Start by sharing news and information you feel is useful on social media and send it to your email list. This can also help to build your following, which leads to people viewing you as a trusted authority in your industry. Ultimately, this will attract more people to you.

7. Develop a strong value proposition.

Every major company has a value proposition and you should too. What makes you, as a person, attractive to potential customers or clients? What is it that makes you special? Why should someone work with you? Once you have this established, make sure your audience knows what it is.

8. Give back.

Aside from feeling good and giving your personal satisfaction, giving back can help you build your personal brand. Whether it’s donating money to a charity or volunteering your time to a cause that’s important to you, this type of deed can benefit your personal brand. You can highlight your charitable deeds on your website and even issue press releases to attract positive attention. People remember selfless acts.

So there you have it. How to build your personal brand within your corporate brand and really start to capture mindshare and a respected expert in your market area. Don’t be that secret agent. Be a household name in real estate in your market area!

Strength and courage,

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Real Estate Teams Unplugged

real estate team buildingThe real estate market is always changing and there is one trend that continues to be getting stronger every year. As you already know the power of a real estate team can always outperform an individual just by sheer numbers. Here’s your all in one guide to teams in real estate. Let’s begin by looking at the different team models in real estate first. Teams are an amazing way to leverage time and resources. In my nearly 24 years of experience and coaching super star agents like you, I’ve noticed there are four different types of teams in real estate.

1. The Accidental Team – The accidental team isn’t really a team in the traditional sense… This is just a group of people in the same office that all do the same thing and started selling together. Think of this as more like a bunch of sales people without anyone to run the operational side of the business. They do this for comradery, accountability and maybe even sharing in costs and work load with one another.

2. The Real Estate Family Team – You’ve probably seen a family team and they are very popular. Although everyone is related, roles aren’t clearly defined across as to who is doing what… Also, family teams usually have to put the business on hold when they all go on vacation. Not an easy task to work with your spouse, in law, parent or relative in the real estate world especially when things get crazy and the pressure and stress is rising.

3. The Guru and The Minion Team – I’m sure you’ve met the “guru” agent leading the team of minions. The guru agent is great at what they do, but they are huge control freaks! Have a fairly large ego and opinion of themselves. These are the types of teams where burn out is common and people are always coming and going. The guru can be tough to work with and they are usually the kind of person that doesn’t play well with others.

4. The Business Builder Team – There are some super star agents out there who know their stuff and hire a team to help support them in the other areas of their business. They realize with a team they can grow the potential of the business exponentially. Leverage, systems, processes and multi-talented team members equal mega success. This is because the business builder knows the team is the vehicle to maximize everyone’s strengths to even better serve the customer and take the business to the next level.

So Why a team? You can build something repeatable, scalable and something tangible business you can sell! Whether you are looking to start your team with just an assistant or take on five or six people to build your team, you need to remember one thing… Have you ever seen one of those Russian nesting dolls? It is a big doll that splits in half and there is another doll inside that is a little bit smaller.

This keeps going several more times with the dolls getting smaller in size. I bring this doll up because this is what most people think hiring a team is… The ego and desire to feel important causes many agents to hire someone smaller than them. If you want to achieve massive success in your business you’ve got to add super stars to your team who are committed to doing big things. This means not hiring based on ego, but instead finding the people who think and perform big and are dedicated to growing the business.

I believe you have to take risks and building a team is taking a risk. Starting a team begins with hiring that executive assistant so click here to download your free e-book on hiring a real estate assistant, take the risk and start your team.

Strength and courage,

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How To Win The Listing Every Time!

realtor win new house listingDo you feel like you’re losing the listing more often than not? Do you find the sellers in a sellers’ market are interviewing more than one agent now to see what really is the highest price? Here’s what I tell all of my coaching members … whether or not you win the listing is based on ONE main factor… Your listing presentation. Mess up the presentation, and say good-bye to the listing. Rock your listing presentation, and say HELLO to a new listing! Some of you are saying right now… “a listing presentation”? Wade the 80’s called and they want their listing presentation back. Yes! A listing presentation. Every time you don’t do one you rob yourself of the greatest gift in real estate and that is the client after seeing what it is you do can now advocate and share with other people what it is you do and what makes you so different from the rest of them! How important is that?!

So today I thought I’d share some of my best tips to improve your listing presentation so you can finally WIN the LISTING. Beat the competition. Have them tell your story and what makes You different from the rest.

Pre Listing Appointment

#1. Practice!! Spend some serious time on what you will say and how you say it. Be planned and prepared and not overwhelmed and ineffective. Don’t practice on the client!

#2. Send a short video letting them know how excited you are to work and meet with them.

#3. Deliver a pre listing appointment package to their home before you meet. (Your bio, team members, steps to selling, marketing, testimonials, your personal stats, how you find buyers, personal guarantee)

#4. Pre appointment listing questionnaire call. (what price are they thinking, who else are they interviewing, expectations, past experiences, confirm the appointment and time, recent improvements, current mortgage)


#1. Know your customer – research them before you meet them. Google them or check for them on Facebook. Connect with them quickly and get them to like and trust you more by knowing a bit about them when you meet for the first time.

#2. Know the market, neighborhood, culture, and community. Have a really good idea of all the things the neighborhood offers, drive by the home before the appointment and find out all you can about their market area.

#3. Make sure you are in the right mindset – visualize speaking with your customers before meeting them. Get prepared and get ready to bring passion, energy and enthusiasm to the meeting and presentation.

#4. Tell the story – “I’ve been on 62 appointments and 58 people chose to work with me.” Share what others have felt when first meeting you and what they found it was like working with you after the process. Share examples of how you’ve helped customers in similar situations.

#5. You only have 22 minutes (attention span of average adult) to answer the questions… Why you? Why your firm? Why now?

#6. Don’t tell me… Show and sell me. Visuals and presentations have a far greater impact than just words!

#7. Close 3 times! One of my mentors Floyd Wickman said ask for the order not once, not twice but three times and increase your odds of getting the business every time.

#8. Don’t sell the steak but sell the sizzle. Every time you present always explain the benefits to them and not just the features. We buy the sizzle and not the steak!

#9. Explain to them the benefits to them of your listing presentation before getting started. “Mr. and Mrs. Seller let me take a few minutes to show you how I work. There is a myth out there that all agents and all firms pretty much do the same thing and that is the furthest thing from the truth! When you see what it is I do, you then are able to hold me more accountable to the marketing of your home and be able to call me on anything you see that hasn’t been done or done to your satisfaction. How does that sound to you folks?”

#10. It’s Show time! You only get one chance. Make it your best presentation you can every time and don’t risk your fate and lose the business.

There you have some tips and effective strategies on how to win listings in today’s market place and how to compete on a higher level and win the listing every time. Take time to share in the comments one thing you do that really helps get the listing every time!

Strength and courage,

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Shocking Real Estate Sales Stats That Will Change How You Do Business

real estate sales statisticsIt’s so important to take the time to think and put ourselves in the shoes of our customers rather than thinking like a realtor and what we need and want all the time. This week we look and see the trends of our customers and how to model what they want and need from us. So let’s get started….

#1.) Follow up web leads and make contact with them in under five minutes (speed to lead). We know 50% of sales will go to the first person to make contact with them and the agent that makes at least 6 follow up contacts has a 90% higher chance of getting a response and chance of converting the online lead. (Source Insidesales.com )

#2.) The best time to make email contact with a customer is at 8:00 A.M. in the morning and 3:00 P.M. in the afternoon. ( Source GetResponse)

#3.) The best time to make follow up phone calls with a customer is between 4:00 P.M. and 5 P.M. in the afternoon. Second best time is between 8:00 A.M. and 10:00 A.M. and the worst times are 11:00 A.M. and 2:00 P.M. (Source InsideSales.com)

#4.) The following are the best days of the week to follow up with contacts. Thursdays are the best follow up and prospecting days. Wednesdays are the second best follow up and prospecting days and the worst day to follow up or prospect according to InsideSales are Tuesdays.

#5.) The owners of real estate and high probable home selling clients are using the social media site LinkedIn at least 6 hours a week. Are you? (Source Jill Konrath)

#6.) Back in 2007 it would take 3.68 cold call attempts until you found a client prospect and today it is taking at least 9 cold calling attempts to find a prospect and lead. (Source Ovation Sales Group)

#7.) The average real estate agent only makes 2 attempts and 45% only make one attempt to follow up a client lead and would increase their conversion rate by 9 times if they increased their follow up attempt to only 5 times. (Source Sirius Decisions)

#8.) Agents only have a 2% chance of converting a cold call to an appointment. Lesson is to stop making cold calls and make warm calls using new ways to reach the decision-makers. (Source Leap Job)

#9.) An average agent can make about 8 prospecting contacts per hour and prospects for 6.25 hours to set one buying or selling appointment. So remember the magic number for prospecting is 50 prospects to set one appointment. Are you making enough contact when you prospect? ( Source Ovation Sales Group)

#10.) The highest response rate of communication with consumers is a text and 97% chance of getting a response. Lesson is to make sure you have the customers cell phone number!! (Source GetResponse)

#11.) Nurtured leads have a 47% chance of making a large buying decision versus a non-nurtured lead. (Source Annuitus Group)

#12.) When communicating or making a sales presentation, Visuals are processed 60,000 times faster in the brain than text. Use visuals and don’t tell but show and sell! (Source Neo Mamallian Studios)

#13.) The most memorable part of all sales presentations for the customer is the last five minutes. So always end all your sales presentations with a bang!

#14.) 91% of our current and past customers say they would give a referral to an agent but only 11% of agents ever ask for a referral. (Source Dale Carnegie)

#15.) Each year agents lose 14% of their customers a year. The biggest reason is for not keeping in touch. Lesson is to keep in touch and always be prospecting. ( Source Businessbrief.com)

So there you have it. Some crazy statistics and trends all agents need to be aware of and take action and implement new strategies to buck the trend! I dare you to take a few of these tips and implement and execute them and let me know how they impact your business in 2017?!

Strength and courage,

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