Your Health & Your Real Estate Business Go Hand In Hand

Wade Webb
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health and real estate business go hand in handFor the first almost 4 decades of my life I battled (and mostly lost) the fight with my diet and personal fitness level. Full disclosure… I was a “comfort” and stress eater and drinker. My largest struggle wasn’t my desire to be/eat healthy but rather it was the lack of consistent discipline. My lovely wife as tactfully as possible challenged me about how I consistently stand in front of a room full of people telling them to take care of themselves while neglecting my own physical state… OUCH!!! Painful but so true. Right away I sent out an email blast to a list of friends asking if any of them had suggestions for a personal trainer… interestingly enough 5 replied quickly with the exact same recommendation… Kevin Weiss.

After meeting Kevin I quickly learned he indeed was the person to whip me into shape. Having personally competed in bodybuilding and powerlifting for about 3 decades and had been providing personal training services to raving clients all around the world I knew Kevin was my best shot to reach my fitness goals. After 3 years of training with Kevin I was in the best shape of my life… I have never been stronger… eaten better and felt better. I feel strongly about the personal benefits of getting in and staying in shape but was surprised as to how many benefits spilled over into my business such as increased mental clarity, more energy, less stress and greater stamina.

Full disclosure I let my health slip the last few years but I am back on the horse and training with Kevin to change that again. The other day I interviewed my personal trainer Kevin with some questions targeted at realtors and business people relating to personal fitness and diet and nutrition. Please take the time to read and ACT ON the interview below…

Wade: Tell me your story. What prompted you to get into the personal fitness industry?

Kevin: I have been involved in fitness basically my whole life and had spent many years practicing and studying it before I ever considered trying to make a living at it. I got into the industry mostly because the job I had previously came to an end and I had to figure something else out. Training was a natural choice as it was the subject I had the most experience in at that point in time.

Wade: What were you doing before that?

Kevin: I was an auto body mechanic/painter in a highway tractor factory.

Wade: What are the biggest rewards people receive when they commit to a regular fitness program?

Kevin: Well there are the obvious health rewards from a consistently followed program but I think the physiological rewards can be even greater. Feeling yourself getting fitter and stronger on a weekly basis, usually fitter and stronger than you have ever been, can be a huge confidence builder and can really build momentum in all areas of your life.

Wade: For the average person who hasn’t done much about their fitness, what do you recommend as a good starting point?

Kevin: Above all else find a competent coach. Treat it like one of the most important purchases in your life, because it is. Research possible coaches in every way you can think of. Ask friends and colleagues, simple Google searches, one on one interviews, ask for references, anything you can think of. Only the best will be able to stand up to this type of scrutiny.

Wade: For someone who really needs help, but won’t go to a gym or do an in-home workout, what benefits are there in hiring a personal trainer?

Kevin: This kind of ties into the above question about hiring a competent coach. Absolutely no benefit if the trainer does not have the practical experience to apply to that individual clients situation. If they do then it is the difference between consistent progress and almost immediate stagnation.

Wade: What are the main reasons people quit after they start a fitness regimen?

Kevin: Probably unrealistic expectations. With the drive thru, cut and paste instant gratification mentality many people have adopted results are often expected with very little effort or time commitment. You can expect the same results as if you put no time or effort into any other aspect of your personal or business life.

Wade: How do you get people to stick with it and persevere?

Kevin: I am very upfront with people. Before anyone hires me they know 3 things. 1) Nothing happens overnight 2) Consistency over the long term trumps short term effort. 3) Sometimes its gonna suck. If clients come to me with the idea in their head that it is going to be quick and easy I would be doing them a disservice by telling them it can be. I am not selling sham-wows here.

Wade: In your experience, what are some of the long term consequences for someone who keeps procrastinating about improving their wellbeing?

Kevin: Just like how consistent exercise and healthier eating has a cumulative or snowball effect not doing it does too. The longer you procrastinate the further you get from the person you want to be. Eventually it is so far away that it seems pointless and hopeless. The physiological effect of this can be huge. a consistent fitness routine can be just as much about mental wellbeing as physical fitness.

Wade: What benefits do you see for real estate professionals and having a regular fitness regime?

Kevin: Realtors have erratic schedules with long hours which leads to poor eating habits and limited exercise. Making fitness a part of your regularly scheduled appointments adds a stress release component that will pay dividends in business as well as health.

Wade: What keeps you motivated to do what you do?

Kevin: When I first started this someone told me I would never be able to make a living at it. I admit I thought they were probably right. I did it anyhow. At worst I thought I would be one of those few people that got to do what they loved everyday, even if it was just for a short time. That was nearly 15 years ago. That is a lot of people I have helped in that time. Nothing is more motivating than seeing someone improve themselves under your guidance. It keeps you learning and it keeps you growing as a coach.

Wade: Any last piece of advice you want to pass on for the benefit of our readers?

Kevin: Understand that success in your own personal health and fitness bleeds over to your business life. The reverse is not always true.

Wade: What are three simple but powerful tips for people related to diet and nutrition?


1.) Eat whole food whenever possible. Anything with less than 3 ingredients.

2.) Don’t eat products pretending to be food. “gluten free” and “natural” does not mean its not crap.

3.) Want to lose fat? No flour, no sugar, no booze. Talk to me after 30 days when you need new pants.

Wade: How can people contact you to find out more?

Kevin: Check me out at and all inquiries or questions are always welcome at Truly, I can’t thank Kevin enough for the input and impact he has had on my life as well as my physical and mental wellbeing. If you are currently eating well and exercising regularly I commend you… if you aren’t I strongly encourage you to begin today… seek out others to help you get on a realistic long term program and find people to help keep you accountable… your body, your mind, your family and your business will thank-you for it… I Promise!!!

Strength and courage,



My book, The Lazy Realtor, is available in Paperback or Kindle format, on Amazon. You can preview it here and I’ll even include these bonus items:

The 10 Step Buyer Process Guide

Low or No Cost Real Estate Marketing Tips List

The Internet Lead Conversion system

and much more...