12 Ways To Get More Listings & Stop Being A Secret Agent

Wade Webb
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12 ways to get more real estate listingsThe real estate market all over North America is beginning to see housing and commercial inventory levels rise and the difficulty of getting and keeping listings is beginning to fade away. So if the trend for inventory is on the rise but you are not getting listings or seem to be carrying any more than you normally did, what do you need to do to change that?

I use this analogy, that agents without listings are like a Starbucks franchisee without a coffee shop. How hard would it be to run a Starbucks and succeed without a place where they come to get their coffee? Not easy at all I am thinking. I would think it is just as difficult for an agent being a secret agent who isn’t carrying any listing inventory as well! So let’s look at ways we can trigger more listing inventory and finish 2018 and begin 2019 strong!! Here are the top 12 listing sources….

12 Ways to Get More Real Estate Listings

As I reveal the list, ask yourself if these strategies are something you do or something you’ve avoided. Remove the fixed mindset and bring an open mind to all of these being viable options to help grow your business.

1. Database - Not surprisingly, working your past clients and center of influence was the top strategy for Elite+ members to generate new business. With what frequency are you informing homeowners in your database? Do you truly know your customer? Become the knowledge broker for these people, and I guarantee you’ll win.

2. Mega Open House / Event - Who says Open Houses only attract buyers? When you create Mega Open Houses that truly give people a reason to show up, you can meet the neighbors, impress them and position yourself as the listing agent of choice. Provide food, drinks and fun, invite the neighbors and make the most of your Open Houses.

3. Geographic Farming - Identifying a group of homes with sufficient annual turnover to justify a large enough return on investment to offset the costs of your direct mail, marketing efforts, Facebook ads, etc. — and then inundate them with your message until you become their logical choice. Demonstrate proof of activity (Just Listed, Just Sold, Market Updates, etc.) to win over potential sellers and become the listing agent of choice in your marketplace.

4. Agent-to-Agent Referrals - A sharing of ideas and referrals many of our coaching clients cherish. But you can still capitalize on referrals by doing your research and forging relationships with agents in strategic locations. Determine the areas that statistically contribute the most people to your community, and then build networking relationships with agents from those communities.

5. Zillow/Realtor.com/Trulia/Homes.com/Online lead generation - Today’s most savvy agents are over-indexing on online arbitrage and seeing it as a significant listing opportunity. Why? Because those who are shopping for homes online often have to sell their own property before they can buy.

6. Expired Listings - Before you freak out and tell me how much you hate the idea of pursuing Expireds, think about this: A homeowner of an expired listing is just a human being facing a challenge. You’re a confident Rockstar listing agent. Be the knowledge broker and help that person solve their problem. When you do this, it becomes the Ultimate Proof of Success, showing how you achieved what other agents could not. So reach out — via direct mail, phone calls, door knocking — any way you want, but don’t allow a fixed mindset to blind you to the huge opportunity in Expireds.

7. Seller- Specific Online Marketing - “Curious about the value of your home?” Seven simple words that can get people to raise their hand and indicate the possibility of selling their home in the future. This isn’t a quick hit solution, but if you’re willing to provide information to these people, get them in your system and nurture them, you can convert over the long run.

8. Sign Calls - Have as many signs as your local regulations allow! (Another reason to do big Open Houses frequently with lots of signs.)

9. FSBOs - Love ‘em or hate ‘em, FSBOs are the fastest source of business opportunity. The truth of the matter is there’s a small percentage of people who won’t be able to sell their home themselves and will look to hire someone like you to help them achieve their goals. Remember, every home you list means more signs, more exposure, the ability to help more people.

10. Investors - There is so much money coming into the marketplace right now, and the question becomes are you paying attention to capitalize on the opportunity investors provide? What if you sat down with your title rep and asked for a report on everyone who owns three or more properties in your area. Identify them, work with them, help them sell when they’re ready, bring them meaningful value, and make them customers for life.

11. Builders/Developers - Similar to investors, you can capitalize on working with builders by having your title rep identify any properties zoned for R2 but currently only has one unit on it. Find those properties that have been owned 20+ years and ask the right questions to present the possibilities to the property owner.

12. Professional Networking / Corporate Relocation / Radio / Seminars / Yelp Reviews – These all tied for 12th.

So there you have 12 of the top sources and activities for generating listings and I challenge you to act on one or two of these on our list and implement and execute them at the highest level. You can and see what happens to your final quarter for 2018 and your listing inventory.

Strength and courage,
