Go Postal to Fire Up Your Real Estate Business

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Read Below to Find Out Why Direct Mail is Hot for Your Real Estate Business

direct mail real estateDo you have a Database for all your real estate clients?

Do you mail to your Database?

Are you top of mind?

When was the last time we got mail at home and it wasn't a bill or junk?

Attention all agents..........

Something old is now something hot and new for you!

Are we receiving too much information digitally and not taking the time to read?

Want to know the #1 Marketing strategy for 2013 in all media sources?

Direct Mail to homes!

**Canadians Welcome Mail**

Reading mail continues to be part of every Canadian’s daily routine:

  • 95% of Canadians (93% in 2007) usually read their mail the same day it arrives
  • 68% read it as soon as it’s received
  • 27% review it later on that same day

Check out some of these articles below for even more on the subject.

[ez_box title="Articles Showing Power of Direct Mail for 2013" color="blue"]
Canada Post - Canadians Welcome Mail
Forbes.com - Direct Mail Alive and Kicking
Business2Community - 4 Facts About Direct Mail Marketing
Forbes.com - Inexpensive Magic of Direct Mail Letters
MinuteManPress.com - Direct Mail Effective Way to Market
DMNews.com - Direct Mail Response Rates Beat Digital
The More You Know Blog - Direct Mail Stats


Now is the time to mail your clients monthly to their homes and become top of
mind and build value and deepen relationships!

Now is the time to mail Just Listed... Just Sold... and Open House post cards!

Now is the time to mail "farm areas" items of value and become the area

Now is the time to grow your real estate business and income in 2013.

Strength and courage,


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