Pre-List/Pre-Buyer Package with Wade Webb
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Hey everybody its Wade Webb, the author of “The Lazy Realtor,” and the founder of AgenstBoost. With my coaching clients, one of the most powerful tools that I’ve implemented with most of my coaching clients is a Pre-Listing, and a Pre-Buyer package. The competition is greater with real estate, and imagine if you had a tool that could wipe your competition before you even met your client.
And that’s what I find with Pre-Listing and Pre-Buyer package can do for you and your business. A pre-listing is something that you put together; it could be a hard-covered book, it could be a package, it could be a brochure, it could be a DVD. And some of the things that you could include this are the following items: a bio of you and your business, all of things that you use and all of the activities and all of the things you use to sell people’s homes. All of the people that are involved in your team and the people that you have that are experts with your listing and with your sales program. You can put in testimonials, you can describe all the step by step process that are involved in selling with you and your business.
Put in a package- include a DVD like David Knox’s “Preparing your Home to Sell,” or “How to Choose your Real Estate Agent.” Put that booklet, put that DVD in with a package of microwaved popcorn, or a bottle of water, basket it all up and have a courier drop it off to the seller’s doorstep, an hour, a two or a day before they even meet with you. And quickly phone them and ask them and make sure they got the package and ask them to do you a favor and go their material, pop the popcorn, crack the bottle of water, sit back relax and read and watch that information. This allows you to do a couple of things: “Wow” your clients before you even meet them, wipe out your competitors before you even get to that listing presentation.
And also, imagine the usage of time-saving that you can eliminate in your listing presentation. Now, you can just ask them if they have any questions about the material you had, and you can ask them whether they have gone through it. If they haven’t got through it, then you need to go through the full step by step listing presentation and do a good job of explaining to them why you, why your company, why now? But if they’ve gone through the material, now you’re eliminating and nailing all the points and concerns they have directly from that package.
The same thing with the buyer. Imagine putting a buyer’s package together, with information about the buying process, why you, testimonials, the step by step process, and having that deliver to the buyer by courier before you even meet with them. What would they say? What would they do for your ability to sign them into an exclusive buyer’s contract, and be able to commit with someone like you?
It sets you apart from your competitors and it eliminates the competition well in advance. Seriously consider going to I have a checklist for you, I have all the items you could include in a pre-listing package, and a pre-buyer package, go to that post, put together that package, wipe your competition out, save time and engage your buyers to one to list with you, and your sellers to one who signs up with your exclusive agents.
I hope you find this post informative, go and put those programs together, get those pre-list and pre-buyer package together, I am Wade Webb and this is your AgentsBoost.