Free Real Estate Reflection Assessment Tool – Mid Year 2014

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REALTORS - Time to Reflect on the 1st Half of 2014 and Plan for the 2nd Half

Real estate assessment tool Can you believe the first half of the year has come and gone?

Right now is a great time to stop and take time to review the progress you have made during the first half of 2014 in your real estate business.

Pull out and review your original 2014 business plan, the key strategic initiatives and tactical sales goals that you set for yourself as a REALTOR.

Once you set your plan in motion back in January, did you review your weekly sales and listings (prospecting), lead generation (rain making) and marketing (presence) as well as your monthly strategic goals?

Congratulations if you have!

If not, I highly recommend you take time now at the beginning of this month to review and reflect your progress from the first half or the year. To make this easier, here is a free mid-year real estate Review and Reflection Assessment tool you can implement to finish the second half of 2014 strong.

(We created this as a downloadable spreadsheet in Google Docs see below for link and instructions)

Your Name: ______________

Semi-Annual Review Year _________________

In this first segment of your annual review, we will take a look back at your production in the first six months of the year. This will lay the ground work for reflection and ultimately our planning for the remainder of the year.

Let’s start with the basic issue first; your real estate business income:

  • What was your NET income goal for this year?
  • What was your actual NET income achieved through June 30?
  • How many listings/representation did you secure through June 30?
  • How many closings did you complete through June 30?
  • What was your average price/lease value per closing through June 30?
  • What was your average gross commission per closing through June 30?
  • What was your average net commission per closing through June 30
  • How many of listings did you lose through June 30?
  • Now we will review your prospecting efforts through June 30?

What new clients have your added as of June 30?











  • How many prospect meetings did you have through June 30?
  • What percentage of each day did you dedicate to direct prospecting?
  • How many hours have you spent on the phone through June 30?
  • Now tell us about your personal marketing efforts.
  • How many relationship-building meetings did you hold thru June?
  • How many conferences/tradeshows did you attend thru June?
  • How many times did you send a postcard/letter, flyer, case study or article in the mail?
  • How many times did you email an article, flyer, case study or something of value?
  • What was the average number of pieces mailed in each mailing?
  • What was the average number of emails sent in each blast?

Finally, let’s take a look at how you spent your time through June 30

  • How many hours per week did you work, on average?
  • What percentage of your time did you work IN your business –
  • Doing deals, prospecting, negotiating, fulfilling, winning business?
  • What percentage of your time did you work ON your business
  • Planning/creating?


Defining your progress in the categories above will help us dig deeper into the reasons for your success or the challenges you faced

  • List 5 items that met or exceeded your expectations in through June 30
  • List 5 items that did not meet your expectations through June 30

What were your three most productive activities through June 30?




What were your three most unproductive activities through June 30?




Write a summary in your own words to recap what the first half of 2014 looked like and what is going to happen the second half.


style1-Xls-64x64To download a copy of this reflection assessment tool totally free with no optin required click on the link below and then choose "File >> Download As"... then choose Excel, PDF or ODS for your favorite spreadsheet software (most will likely use Microsoft Excel).

Once you download it you can fill it in now and then again in 6 month increments to compare your progress as time goes on.

Let us know if you have any questions...


I trust this tool gives you some insight and some clarity to really see where you have been, where you are at today and where you want to be by the end of 2014.

Strength and Courage,


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