Getting Listings In A Low Inventory Market 2024

getting listings low inventory market 2024

Most markets in North America are experiencing unprecedented low inventory levels and the supply is just not meeting the demands of buyers. The spring is quickly coming upon us and the key to our success as agents is the inventory game and having that listing inventory going into the spring and summer season. So, if there are little or no listings how can I buck the trend and create listings vs. wait for listings? Here are my top ideas for you to implement now and begin winning the inventory game!

1. Unsolicited Market Evaluations for Past Clients – Put together a snapshot market evaluation package for each one of your past clients ( Don’ give them your estimated selling price). We want to deliver or mail the package of comparable’s so the client can physically see and touch the information you are providing and see the “value add” you deliver. Let them know many of your clients are curious what their current property value is, and you took the liberty of preparing a snapshot for them to see where their property currently sits. This is a great tool for them to see their current property value for sufficient home insurance coverage. For income tax purposes regarding capital losses and gains and just where they stand financially. Three days after you have delivered the information call them and follow the package up. Ask if they got the package? Did they have any questions? They noticed for legal and insurance purposes you need to physically view their home to give them a specific value of their property. Would there be a good time for you to come over and view the property and give them a number? Ask them if they have other real estate holdings you could evaluate for them? Ask them if they know other friends, family or coworkers that would appreciate the same service?

2. Direct Mail – There are many reasons you could send out unaddressed ad mail to get new listings but remember direct mail is not as effective without follow up by a door knock or phone call. The top direct mail reasons that seem to get the best results are “We Just Sold” and implying there are more buyers still looking. The other is “We Have A Buyer” and looking for a home for them. Please don’t use either of these methods if you don’t have a bona fide buyer. Get in the door honestly. Other options are “Open House Invite” or “Just Listed” or the most over used option “Free Home Evaluation”.

3. Letter Tuck Reverse Door Knock – Letter tuck versus direct mail will get you the numbers that you need. 50-75 letter tucks (unbranded) will get you one call. Tuck all your 75 letters and then reverse door knock until your time has run out. The door knock is a warm approach now and not a cold door knock. Again, the most successful conversion is coming from a “We Have A Buyer” and “We Just Sold”. Many of my coaching clients say a 90-minute door knock set between 3pm and 6 pm is always a great time and something comes from it every time.

4. Open House. Floor Time/Kiosk – These are the only options agents have where the customer will come to you and the agent does not have to go to the customer. For those that are prospecting reluctant then these options are the only hope you must generate the listings.

5. Geographic Farm – Two options here for the geo farm. Option one is to mail the farm area every second week, door knock, Facebook page, you tube channel, etc. The second option is to find a specific area, building or complex with a 6% or higher annual turnover rate and pull title on every homeowner and personally mail them 4 times a year specifically about their area and the general market conditions and have a website specific to their property which creates the perception you are the resident expert and the only agent personally mailing to the homeowners.

6. Facebook, Google Ad Campaigns – Creating strategic ad campaigns specifically for home sellers and directing them to a landing page that allows them to get an evaluation of their property over the internet. Landing pages like Bold Leads or Prime Seller Leads are a great option.

7. Expired Listings – If your market area allows this you have a great resource of clients who already own a home, want to sell, worked with an agent and were willing to pay the commissions! How can you not love them.

8. FSBO – Again, you have a seller who owns a home, wants to sell but doesn’t want to pay. We help them sell for 7-10 weeks in exchange for them to buy with you or if they don’t sell, we hope they list with you!

9. Agent To Agent Referrals – Working the agents from other offices and communities that the buyers are relocating to your area from. Offering a referral fee for any listing or buyer referrals to the network of agents and be their point of contact in your area.

10. B2B – Network with all the business owners and service providers in your community. Find ways to co brand and co market each other’s businesses and services. They in turn feel they need to refer your listings and business for your help and support with what they do!

So, there you have it. Ten powerful ways to generate listing inventory and really make a huge impact on your first quarter of 2024 and make the rest of the year that much easier. Please feel free to share any other listing activities you have found effective in the comments below!

Strength and courage,


Time For A Q2 Shift In Your Real Estate Business?

The first quarter of 2024 has come and gone. The key to knowing how you are doing in business and life is to take time to reflect and see where you have been, where you are at and where you need to be heading.

So, let’s look at how to track and measure your real estate business for the first quarter. Look at the activities and not just the results. The results will come if the activities are in place.

How did the first quarter of your year go for you personally and in your real estate profession? Are you behind your goals? Ahead of your goals? Just right where you targeted for your start to the year?

We are now entering into one of the typically best quarters of the year; Q2.

My question to you is… is it time to change things up? This week we look at some critical steps to take today if you are not on track:

How to Track and Measure Your Real Estate Business.

#1. Take Some Time To Look At Your Status

What is your current situation? What are your biggest challenges or issues you are facing? What were your goals and why you wanted to accomplish those goals?

#2. Measure Your Quarter

What were your numbers for the first quarter? How many calls? How many appointments? How many presentations? How many Listings? How many buyer agreements? Don’t measure your quarter success solely on results but even more important is measure your quarter on activities. You have to be faithful with your activities to receive the success you deserve.

#3. Growth Checklist

Based on the first quarter and what the numbers are saying what do you need to do different? What do you need to do more of? More leads, appointments, follow up, conversion, presentations and contracts this quarter? What changes need to happen to achieve your goals and breakthrough this next quarter in Real Estate.

#4. Working On Your Business

How does your operation, systems and automation look right now? Do you have systems and checklists for everything in place? Are you leveraging with someone or something else that is generating you business while you are busy being busy or getting some sleep? Time to schedule that “hour of power” a day and work on your business and not always in it.

#5. Time For Help?

Is it time to delegate the low dollar productive activities and free up time for you to focus on the high dollar productive activities? Remember someone or something else doing the low dollar productive activities is better than you doing them, right?

#6. Sales and Marketing

Is what you’re spending and doing generating a return on your time and investment? How are you positioned in your marketplace? Is your unique value proposition to the customers being communicated in all your materials? Growing your business is no small task and there are many different moving parts.

#7. Income and Expenses

How much are you spending? How much should you spend to meet your goals? Are you profitable? Do you take time and measure your expenses and the R.O.I.? Remember we are in this to make a profit and not all about the gross income being less than the expenses.

#8. Technology

Is technology ruling you or are you ruling the technology? How much technology is enough? Am I relying solely on technology and not enough on old fashion full contact with people belly to belly? We all need to embrace technology because it isn’t something that will just go away. In the same breath we need to not just rely on technology because sales always has and always will be a full contact sport.

So, there you have it 8 solid points to help you track and measure your real estate business and turn your year around and really make Q2 the best quarter of your year. Take the time to look at your first quarter numbers and your goals and refuel your “why” for crushing it in the second quarter of this year. I dare you!

Strength and courage,


Where Is The Lesson?

where is the lesson agents?

“Of course there is no formula for success except, perhaps, an unconditional acceptance of life and what it brings.” ~Arthur Rubinstein

Sometimes you’re an observer of other people’s lives and you think you’ll never experience what they’re living, whether it’s a positive or negative situation. You think, “That will never happen to me.” Part of the real beauty of life is that it’s unpredictable. Nothing is permanent, everything changes; and of course, a lot of things can happen that will transform who you are and have an impact on your life.

The problem is we need to cultivate the ability to truly accept whatever comes and embrace it. We need to develop the habit of looking at whatever happens through a positive mindset instead of a negative, defeatist one. Of course, life will bring many challenges, such as the death of someone we love, and it’s not easy to embrace them when we’re suffering and wishing those things would have never happened. But if we start cultivating acceptance in our lives right now, we’ll likely cope with future crises in a different way and view them from a different perspective. We will accept instead or resisting.

I am big fan of Deepak’s Chopra’s The 7 Laws of Spiritual Success. He dedicates one complete chapter (Law #4) to how we need to receive with open arms what happens to us, because if we fight and resist it, we are generating a lot of turbulence in our minds. He explains that we might want things to be different in the future, but in the present moment we need to accept things as they are. That’s the way you can make your life flow smoothly instead of roughly.

During the last year of my life, I have learned the true power of acceptance with so many personal and professional challenges coming at me. Yes, acceptance is a choice—a hard one most definitely, but a choice, nonetheless. There are two ways out of a problem: accept what’s happening, see the positive, and choose a peaceful state of mind; or fight against it, be miserable, and struggle against the universe.

I am 100 percent positive that learning to accept things as they present themselves is a helpful tool in all aspects of life. Whether it’s a family loss, a missed opportunity, or a sudden change in your plans, being able to accept things that are out of your control will help you maintain inner peace and happiness. Acceptance, in my opinion, is the key to convert momentary happiness to enduring happiness. It helps you move from feeling happy to being happy. Practicing acceptance prepares you to live in this changing world, where you never know what’s going to happen next. Acceptance is like protecting yourself with your own shield. Let me clarify that acceptance is not at all related to weakness and is not a synonym of conformity or mediocrity.

We need to learn how to identify when it’s time to persist and when it’s time to accept. One thing that makes acceptance much easier is to list all the possible explanations for why you’re experiencing something. Finding the lesson or purpose behind every challenge will help you embrace it instead of fighting it. Choose not to judge what happens to you. Instead, believe that everything happens for a reason and that better things will always follow. That’s the beginning of true acceptance.

Somewhere recently I read the important thing is not to understand why something happened. Our understanding can wait, but our obedience cannot. I translate this to mean that when something unpredictable happens, instead of complaining and over-thinking it, we need to choose to live with it. I know it’s hard to practice acceptance when you deeply wish things were different. But the truth is, sometimes we can’t change our reality, even if we try. So instead of staring at the closed door in front of us or getting tired and bruised while we try to break it down, let’s turn around and see how many other windows we have open.

Strength and courage,


How To Create Steady Agent To Agent Referral Stream

create steady agent to agent referral streamOne of the most untapped opportunities in real estate is effectively working the massive income generation in agent-to-agent referrals. It is not enough to be managing one database, but agents should be managing four separate databases.

Sphere of influence ( P2P ), Business owners, service providers ( B2B ), Suspects and prospects (Leads) and the fourth being agent to agent database.

This week I want to share how so many of my coaching clients are crushing the agent-to-agent database and generating six figure income streams annually from just this one opportunity. The benefits of mastering this opportunity are endless.

People are relocating all the time, they are higher quality referral leads, easier personal client to deal with and you become the go to person for agent referrals in your market area if it is worked right! So, let’s get started….

Step 1. Research where they are coming from?

Take some time to look at the data and see where they are coming from when it comes to your market area. Here are some resources that will help the research and identify the sources for your specific trading area: Be strategic with your targeting of referral agents and find where they are coming from first.

Real estate board sites

State sites.

City sites

Managing brokers

Step 2. Find the agents and offices where they are coming from

Once you know the agents and offices where they’re coming from, assemble your database.

FACT the last 16 years we know 60% on average each year come within 60-mile radius that did business with our brokerage. Hence targeting the offices and agents first within that region makes the most sense. Find the agents, offices, brands that don’t have a relationship in your area, find their contact information ( name, email, mailing address, mobile), assemble a database. Great resource to get some excellent inexpensive help with all this work is using a virtual assistant

Step 3. Place the database into a contact management system.

The best CRM is the one you will use!!! Don’t over think this please.



Mail chimp.

Bomb Bomb

Step 4. Create an introduction to your agent-to-agent referral program.

Intro email.

Intro Video email.

Intro call.

Intro text.

Who I am….Introduction

Why am I contacting? Their area is a destination for people relocating to your area.

What’s In it for them? -Platinum Agent Referral Program

My Business Philosophy – Their destination agent of choice, permission to stay in contact.

25% Referral Fees

Step 5. Agent to agent referral program road trip vacation time annually.

Mini vacation as a business expense

Attend office meetings.

Collect cards at the door for a raffle.

Quick intro and market snapshot

Attend caravan if possible.

Take managers lunch, coffee.

Leave pop by (Deck of cards) “Don’t gamble with your referrals to ________, I will treat your clients like kings and queens.”

Handwritten notes to all the cards I collected once I get home.

Step 6. Add value to them and give to get.

Wow and awe and be engaging with pull don’t push marketing content.

Real estate tips

Self-help tips

Financial tips

Tech tips

Cost Saving tips

Something they would value and appreciate that would improve them personally or professionally. Minimum contact once a month

Step 7.  Delivering the unexpected. Three times a year.

Office Pop By Gifts ( Contact their office admin to help you place them into their mail slots and throw a gift card in it for the admin person. )

Personal Handwritten Notes

Office visits annually

Video tips

Blog tips

Good articles

Not my newsletter, stats, market reports!!!

Step 8. Be seen and top of mind every year.

Attend events where the referring agents are.


Sales Rallies



Add Value…Top of mind…

Create Mastermind groups… share ideas.

“Water boys of events..” hand out water bottles and your business card attached.

Step 9. Reward the behavior system.

Do this every time!!!

Handwritten thank you card.

Gift card amazon $20

Report on referral progress to the agent.

Reward when referral completes 25%.

Annual referrer grand prize contest ( video live draw )

Step 10. Build this and they will come!!!

A system for more revenue each year. It’s Easier business, Fun business, Relational business. Be the area go to person.

So, there you have the 10-step plan to crush it with agent-to-agent referrals in the coming year. I dare you to take this and implement, execute, and create another amazing and fun income stream for you and your business.

Strength and courage,


Ways To Make More Decisions & Get Shit Done!

ways to make decisions and get shit doneMost people struggle when it comes to decision-making. They get paralyzed by fear or lack of certainty – or they just get overwhelmed and don’t know where to start and never get stuff done! Business owners make the decisions no one else can – or will – make. But the best ones use a system to ensure they are choosing the best possible option and reducing any potential downside.

I remember reading about General Schwartzkopf and mentors who have shaped our beliefs about life and decision-making. He spoke of one of the generals he had worked for before he was the “Stormin’ Norman” we know him as today. He recalled a situation in which the man was asked to make a decision that had been stagnant for almost 10 years. The general just looked at them and he said, “The answer is obvious, gentlemen.” And then he gave them the answer. He said, “That’s our decision. Move on it.”

After they left, Schwartzkopf went up to the general and said, “Permission to speak freely?” He replied, “Certainly.” He said, “General, I know you don’t have a clue what those guys were even talking about.” The general smiled at him, and he said, “You’re right. I didn’t understand all of it.” And he said, “But you know what? This has been a decision that no one’s been willing to make for 10 years.”

He said, “For 10 years they’ve talked about it, going back and forth. The best minds have been on it, and they can’t decide one way or the other, so you know what? We need to pick one and do it. So, I just did. Because I believe now all the best people are going to go to work on it, and they’ll either make it work or they won’t.

They’ll see it’s not working, and we’ll change directions, and we’ll do what’s right, but what’s happened right now is a logjam of nothingness. Decisions are power, and I’m here to make them. That’s what I’m in position for. That’s what I’m a leader for.”

Think about it. Trying to be perfect when it comes to decision-making is ridiculous. You’ve got to stop being fearful; you’ve got to stop worrying about failure. The only failure is failing to decide, putting off what inevitably you know you need to do. When I make tough decisions, I use a six-step process that not only helps me make the best possible decision, but also reduces the downside of any decision, because we all know decisions have power.

I should mention all of this should be done on paper, so you don’t get stuck “looping” through potential scenarios.

6 Steps to Making a Decision

  1. Get clear on your outcomes. What is the result you are after? Why do you want to achieve from it? You must be clear about your outcome(s) and its (their) order of importance to you. Remember, reasons come first, answers come second.
  2. Know your options. Write down all your options, including those that initially may sound far-fetched. Remember this principle: One option is no choice. Two options are a dilemma. Three options are a choice. Write down ALL options whether you like them or not.
  3. What are the consequences? What are the upsides and downsides of each option? What do you gain by each option and what would it cost you?
  4. Evaluate your options. Review each of their upsides and downsides (consequences). Ask yourself:
    A) What outcomes are affected?
    B) How important (on a scale of 0-10) is each upside/downside in terms of meeting your outcomes?
    C) What is the probability (0-100%) the upside/downside will occur?
    D) What is the emotional benefit or consequence if this option were to happen?
    After completing this stage, you will be able to eliminate some options from your list.
  5. Mitigate the damage. Review the downside consequences for each of your remaining options. Then, brainstorm alternative ways to eliminate or reduce those downsides.
  6. Resolve. Based on the most probable consequences, select the option that provides the greatest certainty you will meet your desired outcomes and needs.
  1. A) Select your best option and strengthen your resolve to make it work.
    B) Resolve that, no matter what happens, this option will give you a win.
    C) Design your plan for implementation and then take massive action.

Remember, it’s better to decide and monitor to see if you need to shift your approach than to remain paralyzed in indecision. So many of us don’t get done what we want to get done based on our inability to just decide. I challenge you to implement this 6-step process and start making decisions and stop the unrealistic expectation of perfection on yourself and get more done in 2024.

Strength and courage,


Are You Being Driven By Need? or Vision?

driven by needs or visionWe all have needs. We all have bills to pay, mouths to feed (in my case 5 mouths to feed – I know, it is not easy!), and some have university to pay for. I get it. Today, I want you to consider setting that aside, and instead start working in a vision. Ask yourself, “Is my real estate business driven by my vision or my needs“?

That’s right, what if you started working according to a vision, instead of working according to your needs? I recently went through this myself and earlier this year, I realized I was working according to my needs and not my vision. I had a vision, but it was blurry. And most importantly, it was secondary to my needs. Over the next 48 hours I got super-focused on what my vision was going to be. I want to share the exact formula of how I produced my vision and magic that happened once I did; but before I do that, I want to help you get a better understanding of the power of working according to a vision, vs. working according to your needs.

Most of us are used to responding to needs and do everything we can to meet those needs as they arise. This is not inherently bad, those things absolutely need to be addressed, but at what cost? This endless cycle is one reason why people never step into their true purpose.  We’re too busy thinking about our needs.  We find ourselves focusing on one closing, because ‘if this doesn’t close, I can’t pay my bills.’

Or we got lost in the middle of a hard transaction and lose focus on what we need to do to move the needle of our business. We easily find ourselves stuck focusing on our needs instead of on our vision.  Most inventions, scientific advancements, and dramatic accomplishments were done by people who didn’t focus on their need, but rather on something that motivated them.  People who are visionaries are focused on the future, not now, and especially not the past. They are looking forward and working in that forward vision.

Focusing on your needs instead of living according to a grander vision is like running around to put out a bunch of small fires. If you are only living to meet your needs, your focus will constantly be on those fires. This is stressful and often means many people never reach their full potential.

When you live according to a vision, the fires bow to that vision. It’s fun to work on the things we love, right? We find we have more creativity, passion, and energy; things are usually lacking when we are stressed about meeting the immediate needs in front of us. I am positive there are greater things for you to achieve…stop chasing fires and start chasing your vision!

Making Your Real Estate Business Driven by Vision

Here Is A Top Agents Exact Business Vision. Put your vision into these three pillars.

The first pillar: What am I going to do to stay in touch with my sphere of influence? The people that know, like and trust me. That one is easy, Service For Life! I mail to my database, and I get about a 10% return – if I have 300 in my database, that means I will do about 30 transactions a year from people in my database or referrals from people in my database.

The second pillar: What am I going to do to chase business? I decide whether it is going to be open houses, geographic farm, door knocking or Facebook Advertising. I am going to focus on being the best I can be for one at a time. If I pick Open House, then I go and study and produce the best plan. I am going to be the King of Opens! Once I have mastered the first then if I am going to run the next, say Facebook Advertising to generate leads. Again, I go study and produce my best plan.

The third pillar: What am I going to do to attract business?  I decide whether I am going to create a podcast, show, blog, book, and more – it’s going to be called I Love ______ (your hometown). I am going to help people who are new to ______ (your hometown), get connected to other people, places and events happening in the city I love!

The magic. Now this is the cool thing – not only did this give me a vision, but it gave my coaching clients a vision! We all made this our vision. Now it’s your turn. What is your vision for your business?

Strength and courage,


Agent’s Don’t Need Accountability. We Got This.

agents need accountabilityLet me ask you a simple but very important question? “Do you find yourself consistently inconsistent in your real estate business and personal life?” How do we hold ourselves accountable and stop procrastinating? How do we break that consistently inconsistency trend in business and life?

One simple answer is to get an accountability buddy. Think back to school. What motivated you to finally finish a paper? Was it a love of learning? Knowing how valuable this skill was going to be in the future? No. It was probably a looming deadline and the threat of a failing grade for turning it in late.

During school, we have built-in accountability. For grown-up goals like starting a business, losing weight, or writing a book, there’s typically no accountability for us to get it done. Accountability buddies can help us make meaningful progress. Surrounding ourselves with people invested in our success is the best way to make progress on our goals. Follow these steps to set up an accountability buddy.

Accountability helps you stay focused on your goals. As a real estate agent, you have a lot of competing priorities. You need to find new clients, nurture existing relationships, manage your listings, and close deals. It’s easy to get distracted or overwhelmed by all the demands on your time and attention. But when you hold yourself accountable for your goals, you stay focused on what’s most important. You set clear objectives, create a plan to achieve them, and track your progress along the way. This helps you stay motivated and on track, even when the going gets tough.

  1. Create a schedule and commit – Decide how frequently you’ll meet. Once a week is a good starting point. You’ll have time to get things done in between your meetups (either in person or on the phone), but not so long that you start procrastinating or forgetting what you agreed to. Then set a time and commit. Put it on your calendar and don’t let anything get in the way.
  2. Help your buddy (and yourself) set better goals – Then we have a broad goal like “get healthy,” the failure comes in not knowing where to start. What do we do this month, this week, today, to make that happen? If we can’t answer that simply, how are we supposed to act on it? Create SMART objectives that follow these guidelines:
  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Relevant
  • Time-oriented
  1. Be honest with each other – My friend recently told me about an event he attended. A group of women were brought in to give direct feedback about how they perceived a group of men’s clothing and demeanor. Try to imagine what happened. “The guys were crying,” my friend said. “Nobody had ever given us this kind of brutal feedback.” My friend realized he’d never received brutally honest feedback on how he interacted with women. We should subject ourselves to uncomfortable situations where we take on the “beginner’s mind” and force ourselves to grow. An accountability buddy gives us the rare opportunity for brutal honesty.
  2. Ask great questions – Smart people ask questions because they know it’s the best way to get to the true heart of a matter. When you say you were too busy to work out this week, what are you really saying? Chances are you had time to watch Netflix or go out for drinks, so what really held you back? Maybe you were nervous about walking into a new gym. By asking great questions, you and your accountability buddy can break through invisible barriers.
  3. Gamify accountability with your friends – I love bets. There are myriad psychological studies about public commitment, which is highly persuasive. If you tell a group of people, you’re going to stop smoking, you’re highly motivated to hit that goal. You can do this with your accountability buddy, too. If you each set a goal, bet who will hit it first. Or you can keep score of who completes more of their weekly tasks. Make it fun!

Accountability helps you build trust with your clients. Real estate is a relationship business. Your clients are trusting you to help them buy or sell one of the biggest assets they’ll ever own. They want to work with someone they can trust, someone who is honest, reliable, and committed to their success. When you hold yourself accountable for your actions and decisions, you demonstrate that you take that trust seriously. You show that you are willing to do whatever it takes to help your clients achieve their goals, even if it means admitting when you’ve made a mistake.

Accountability helps you learn and grow. No one is perfect. We all make mistakes from time to time. But when you hold yourself accountable for your results, you turn those mistakes into opportunities for learning and growth. You ask yourself what you could have done differently, what you can learn from the experience, and how you can improve in the future. This helps you become a better agent, a better business owner, and a better person.

If this was so easy, we wouldn’t need to be held accountable and we all need to find that accountability. That consistently being inconsistent happens to us all. I challenge you to take one step towards accountability this coming week and in a few weeks email me what changes you have noticed from those steps you have taken!!

Strength and courage,


How Agents Get A Buyer Agreement Signed

agent buyer agreement signedThe greatest document created for the real estate industry in the last ten years, must be the Buyers agreement. Think about it… agents would never think of marketing and promoting a seller’s home without a listing contract but why do so many agents spend a ton of time and money working for a buyer without a buyer’s agreement? Why did they create this document but forget to train the real estate professional how to present the value proposition to their buyer to want to sign it prior to buying their next home?

Agents take the time to sit down with a seller and present…

  1. Why them?
  2. Why their company?
  3. The benefits to selling their home before asking them to enter a listing contract.

Does it not make perfect sense for an agent to take the time to sit with a buyer prior to their home buying search and present to the home buyer the same as the seller? What would it mean to you to have your buyer under contract exclusively with you and your company instead of driving them around and showing them a large number of homes, burning your own gas, buying coffees and lunches and then they call you to say “ we didn’t want to bother you on a Sunday and saw the perfect house at an open house and bought it.

We wanted to thank you for everything you did and hope this house plant will look good in your office as a token of our appreciation.” I know this happens because it has happened to me. To protect yourself from the “house plant” scenario I encourage you to sit your home buyers down and share with them the benefits they receive from entering into the buyer agreement.

Tell your clients… “just like my sellers hire me to sell their home by authorizing a seller agreement, I also get my home buyers to hire me as their exclusive buyer’s agent and authorize this exclusive buyer agreement.”

The worst thing they can say is “no thank you” and you still can choose to work with them or not, but this is a great qualifying tool for any buyer and should only take less than an hour for a buyers consultation and prevent the 3 days, 20 showings, 1 tank of gas and end up with an office plant as a token gift outcome.

“10 Home WWIFM The Buyer Benefits To Them Having A Buyers Agreement.”

  1. The Doctor/Patient Advantage  (Client Confidentiality)
    Let’s say your client is going from house to house and agent to agent, sharing their personal and financial information with everyone.  When they do put in an offer, how does it affect their bargaining power if the Seller’s agent already knows everything about them?   It is critical they share this information with only one agent, so it won’t work against them later.  Their Buyer Agent is on their side, not the Seller’s side… make sure they understand the importance of this.
  2. The Instant Information Advantage  (No Communication Delays)
    When your client is relying on the internet, newspapers, or magazines as their source for house listings it is important, they remember these systems all have built-in delays. These delays can be from a few days to a week before the listing actually makes it to them. How many of the hottest real estate deals or best buys make it that far before they are sold?  Very few. Get your home buyer on the inside track with the most current and up to date information.
  3. The Insider Advantage  (Buyer, Meet Seller)
    A great many hot properties are sold exclusively by sleeve or pocket listings, before they are even activated on MLS (Multiple Listing Service). These pocket listings are often sold well before the public even knows about them.  In these cases, the Sellers who wanted to sell and Buyers who wanted to buy were introduced and made their transaction through the Direct Client program. Emphasize to your home buyer the importance of them having access to these types of home listings.
  4. The Inbox Advantage  (Convenient Auto Email Updates)
    As an agent, I have the technology to be notified of a new listing on the MLS system by the minute, and then quickly notify my Direct Clients.  I can use my privileged access to this listing data to get you in to see your perfect home before most of the other potential Buyers even know about it. Be sure to show your buyers the power of this.
  5. The Invisible Listing Advantage  (Find the properties that aren’t for sale)
    As part of a large sales force, I am constantly in contact with other agents.  They may have Potential Sellers:  homeowners who would sell if they had a Buyer. We call this the “water cooler transaction”.  I mention I have someone looking for a special kind of property, and the other agent has a property that fits like a glove but isn’t even on the market! Yet another benefit for your buyer to enter into an Exclusive Buyers Agency Agreement.
  6. The Active Agent Advantage  (Buyer Agents are prospectors.
    Personally, I won’t just wait for listings in the Direct or VIP program:  I’ll go out and find my buyer’s perfect home!  I will prospect by telephone, direct mail or pound the pavement door-to-door, investing as much time as it takes to find their ideal property. Why wait weeks or months until it is listed for sale? Show them you are serious, if they will show you, they’re serious to work with you.
  7. The Accountability Advantage   (Contractual Obligations – For Me!)
    Direct Clients hire me under contract, just like Sellers hire me under a listing contract. This ensures my Direct Buyers receive benefits other prospective Buyers do not.  When we enter into this contract, I am required to perform specific duties within a fixed time, or the agreement is null and void.
  8. The Easy Exit Advantage  (Fire Me Anytime!)
    If my buyers are unhappy with my services for any reason, I give them the opportunity to correct the situation. If the problem continues, then I promise them an unconditional release from our contractual agreement with no questions asked. This removes the risk factor from your client.
  9. The Guaranteed Communication Advantage (I Promise Not to Disappear)
    My home buyers can expect a regular delivery of prospective homes to consider and ongoing communication from me.  I’ll keep them up to date on the hottest new listings, so we can beat the rush and get them in to see these properties before other potential Buyers. This way they will see the best buys first! Give your buyers the sense they will be treated preferentially if they agree to sign the Exclusive Buyers Agreement.
  10. The Transaction Coordination Advantage  (I’ll find the property, then help them own it)
    There will be a large group of professionals involved in completing your buyer’s transaction:  bankers, insurance agents, inspectors, appraisers, utility workers, and lawyers just to name a few.  All these professionals do not have time to contact each other and facilitate your buyer’s purchase. It’s a huge benefit for your home buyer to have an agent they trust, who will coordinate all these services on their behalf. Sell this benefit then ask them to sign the agreement.

I hope you see the advantages of having your home buyers enter into the Exclusive Buyer agreement with you as well as the benefits the client receives as well. Try it out and measure the effectiveness of the response you receive.

Bonus Item – Click to download Platinum Home Purchase Plan ( Value Proposition For The Buyer ) What you do and what Value You Bring. Literally your buyer presentation ( see attached )

Strength and courage,


The Universal Principles Of Cause & Effect

Universal Principles Cause & EffectYou’ve heard a million times that running a successful business is a matter of consistent cause & effect. You shoot a video, and it gets a bunch of likes, and maybe some of them turn into transactions. You make your phone calls which leads to more deals which lead to more money. It almost sounds too simple, doesn’t it?

Well, technically it is that simple when you run the right plays – it’s just also hard and requires a lot of willpower. If cause & effect were easy to recognize and control, there would be no suffering alcoholics in the world. They’d all say, “Taking this drink will cause negative effects in my life, and therefore I will not do it.” But we all know it’s not that easy, and doing the work it takes to be successful is the same basic concept.

In this blog, we’ll talk about your motivation to keep controlling The Law of Cause & Effect even when things get hard. Let’s dive right in…

Step 1: Start with the “Effect” – This is the same thing as starting with your “Why.” Know what you want and picture it so clearly that you can almost feel it within reach. Get super honest with yourself about what you really want to create in your life, because that’s the only way it’s going to motivate you through challenges.

Write it down.

The most important aspect of motivation is knowing why you’re doing the things you’re doing and exactly how each action will serve you. If you want to lift weights but don’t have the energy or motivation to do so, it’s probably because you’re thinking about the boring, exhausting challenge of the lifting (the cause). Instead, you should be thinking about the healthier body and increased energy you’ll get (the effect). It’s amazing just how many things people do regularly without ever stopping to question WHY they’re doing them and what benefits they will bring.

Step 2: Make It About More Than Yourself – Who are the closest people in your life? Your husband/wife, boyfriend/girlfriend, mom/dad, kids? What will motivate them to hold you accountable? Notice, this isn’t the last step because we haven’t even talked about the actions you’re going to take.

This is so important that nothing can stand in the way of it. Write down four amounts of money you want to make throughout the year, a dollar amount to achieve by the end of each quarter. Now, write down something that you will do for your loved ones if you achieve those desired numbers. Will you take the kids to Disney? Buy your mom a new car? Treat your partner to a romantic getaway or buy a new home?

Step 3: Draw a Line from Actions to Their Corresponding Effect  – Take the desired changes you want to see and the money you want to make and work backwards from there. What direct actions will lead you to those goals?

How many transactions?

How many appointments to get a transaction?

How many leads to get an appointment?

How many hours a day are you working your lead gen?

What lead gen systems are you running?

Take it all the way back to the first action. Use the plays that you know work or ones that are proven to work for other agents. For instance, the 2,300+ of our coaching members who are participating in my $100k in 100 Days campaign have sent the same text 375,000+ times because it keeps working repeatedly. Make sure that you can trace a line directly from your first action all the way to the result. When you do this, you’re creating a followable SOP for achieving your goal. Database 110% Community Focused.

Step 4: Do the Same for Distractions and Harmful Actions – A big part of what I want to do here is to get you to see The Law of Cause & Effect in every action you take throughout the day so that you can stop yourself from falling off track even when the going gets tough and your defenses are down.

With that in mind, look at your common habits and break down the step-by-step effects they have on your life. Watching TV – staying up late – feeling groggy in the morning – not making calls – performing poorly during meetings. Not exercising – gaining weight – loss of energy – health issues. Going out to a bar – less money – hangover – poor performance. Scrolling social media in the morning – being distracted throughout the day – forgetting things – slowed progress. Now, I’m not saying that you should never enjoy your life, but you need to be aware that even your smallest actions have ripple consequences.

Step 5: Set Up Accountability – By now, you should know exactly what actions you will take on a day-by-day basis to achieve your goals and what can get in the way. So, let’s go back to Step 2 – those rewards you’ll give your loved ones for holding you accountable to your goals. Write down the number, the reward, and the daily actions it will take to achieve them. Then show that piece of paper to your loved one.

Make it very clear to them that this isn’t a lottery you’ve entered; it’s a simple matter of cause & effect: “If I do all of these actions, I will make this amount of money and then you will get this gift.” Even if your spouse or kids never cared about how many phone calls you made before, I bet they’ll start asking about them all the time now.

Step 6: Remind Yourself Every Day of The Law of Cause & Effect – Take your own personal “desired effects” and post them on the wall of your office so that you can see them every day. Just take a moment every morning to read what you wrote, close your eyes, imagine it, and use that to motivate the actions you’re about to take.

And before you pick up the phone, shoot a video, or do anything on your to-do list, remind yourself of exactly what effect these actions will have in bringing your plan to life. Ideally, we’d always understand the chain reaction that each one of our actions will set in motion. It takes consistent vigilance but trust me, it’s so much better than living life as a passenger through the chaos. I hope this has been helpful. If you’re serious about mastering your willpower and running actions that consistently drive results, the proven solution is right here.

Strength and Courage,


Agents Need To Get More Listings Now!

agents need to get more listings nowWe are still experiencing low inventory levels across North America, and it seems that we are going to see this for a while.

Sellers don’t where they are going next and worried that they would list and sell and then be without a home. So, ask yourself what’s your goal in 2024?

More buyer leads, more listing appointments, better brand recognition and market share? No matter which of these you’ve set your sights on, there’s one sure-fire way to help with each of these: listings. In addition to generating new real estate buyer and seller leads, listings also offer the opportunity to showcase your brand and expertise with valuable, relevant content. So, if you believe that More Listings = More Leads and you want more of both, you’re in the right place.

Read on for 19 strategies to generate listings from your past clients, sphere of influence, cold leads, and more.

  1. Call your past clients and sphere to share some good news. –Let’s start with a big one: this tip can help you with every single person in your database (and ones who aren’t even in there yet). Bring value to the table right away with an interesting stat about the housing market. Here’s a great one to start, with a great angle built into it: The value of the US Housing Market increased by $1.9 trillion in 2020. That’s a 6.2% increase! Want to know how much your house’s value went up as part of it?

You know your market better than we do, so if you’ve got a more interesting or relevant stat about your area, lead with that. Regardless, find an appropriate angle to pair with your stat and you’ll start having better conversations that lead to more listings.

  1. Send this email. –Here’s another stat for you to share with your past clients, sphere, and seller leads, and it’s a doozy and has generated a ton of interested replies and appointments. For the subject line: Zillow was WAY off! Or The Assessment Authority was WAY off!!! Here’s the message we wrote: Did you know that the CEO of Zillow sold his home for 40% less than the “Zestimate”? They have a disclaimer on their website where you can see exactly how INACCURATE they are. They just make it hard to find. With that in mind, if you are considering the sale of your home, (or the address of a home you want to buy), reply to this email right now with your home’s address and I would be happy to send you a “Zactimate.”
  2. Post an Instagram Story poll. –This might be the easiest tip to act on – you can open your phone and do it right now. Add to your Instagram Story with a poll asking:  “Are you planning on selling your home this year?” Obviously, you’ll get more “No’s than “Yeses but any Yes or more in-depth answer provides an easy opportunity to follow up via DM.
  3. Go live on Facebook from a neighborhood entrance. –You’ve probably heard you should be investing in video. If you’re ready to take the plunge but haven’t figured out what to film, here’s a tried-and-true way to get yourself out there: Head to a local landmark or the entrance of a neighborhood in your area. Give the details about two properties that recently sold nearby. Add a CTA that lets your viewers know they can email or DM you to inquire about other sold homes or check their own home’s value. That’s it!
  4. Start each day prospecting for sellers. –Generate more appointments and contracts with the 5-5-4 routine and it’s easy to duplicate. Every day, you should have:
  • 5 conversations with people you don’t know, new potential prospects.
  • 5 conversations with your hottest prospects
  • 4 conversations with your sphere of influence

What do you say on the phone with your sphere? Try “Have you had any thoughts of selling?” and “Do you know anybody that’s had thoughts of selling?” Tim’s sphere is so used to answering that now they start thinking about who might be selling any time Tim pauses in the conversation.

  1. Search Zillow’s “Make Me Move” listings (and FSBOs)Here’s a strategy to help prospect seller leads that you can be sure want to sell their home. In fact, they’re already on Zillow. Head to and search for homes for sale in your area. Clear the “Listing Type” menu and only keep “Make Me Move” selected – now you have a list of seriously interested sellers to start some conversations with. Once you have the filters selected, not only will you see the current Make Me Moves but you can ALSO subscribe via email to get alerts any time more are added!
  2. Use (or your MLS) to find upcoming expired listings.Just like the tip about Zillow above, this technique is available to anyone thanks to technology and public records. Use’s home search and sort by “Newest Listings.” But you’re not here for the most recent listings on the market, so scroll down and click on the last page of search results. Take a screengrab of the listings with a low photo count and a high number of days on the market – you can show the seller the difference between how their home was marketed before it expired and how you can help show it off now. Now you’ve got a list of some upcoming expired and can start your prep work on how you’ll approach them.
  3. Take advantage of the “instant offer” trend. –Instant Offers have, understandably, made some real estate agents worried. Open Door and Zillow Offers make a compelling argument to consumers who are motivated by convenience. But that’s not their only motivation… Instant Offers are all but guaranteed to be low-ball offers. If you’re in a market where homes are moving fast, you can turn an “Instant Offer” into a seller looking for a home value report. How? We like what the Wertz Group does by asking “Does your home qualify for an ‘instant’ offer?” Be prepared to respond quickly: many sellers want the most money they can get, but these companies are proving there is still a huge market for people who value speed.
  4. Refresh your listing presentation and process.Focus on current marketing strategies in today’s economy and offer the solutions to the challenges of the sellers. Add pre-emptive offers, multiple offers and coming soon strategies and information that we never had to have before.
  5. Sell your services. –If you ask the average real estate agent what’s more important between buyers and sellers, they’ll typically say sellers. But when you look at their websites, the first thing highlighted is a home search. Stop sending the wrong signal, start selling your services. Every real estate website should have a page that sells its services to potential home sellers. Selling your home is a daunting process, so give your prospective clients the peace of mind that you have a tried-and-true plan to list, market, and sell their home.
  6. Establish a Seller Success Series. –When you’ve used all the tips on this list, you’re going to have a lot of happy sellers. You can turn those into even more listings, by turning the corner on a common business practice and making something truly compelling. He’s leveled up his reviews by turning his wildly positive customer experiences into evergreen content that sells every new person who comes to his website. The stories are interesting, unique and are an authentic representation of his brand. The best part? People help support what they create. Feature your clients in a positive light and turn them into your brand ambassadors! We believe that if you tell more stories, you’ll sell more homes.
  7. Find hidden sellers. –It’s no secret that generating buyer leads is much easier than attracting the ever-elusive seller lead. The common mistake we see many savvy real estate agents miss is they forgot to ask their buyer leads one very simple question. “Do you need to sell your home before you buy a new one?” Buried in your database of thousands of buyer leads are hundreds of sellers. These homeowners need to sell their home before they buy a new one, they are just waiting for you ask the right question! Here’s the tip: Update your automated action plans that go out to include a question about their current living situation. “Do you own a home, and do you need to sell it before you buy a new one?” You can tweak this script to your liking but whatever you do, don’t forget to ask!
  8. Update your referral network. –This is actually a two-step tip: first up, it’s time to update your list of approved and recommended vendors. Finding reputable people that you trust is the hard part, so take this question to your email database and your followers on Facebook. “We’re updating our list of approved vendors. Who do you love and recommend?” Be sure to let them know you’ll be publishing your list publicly.
  9. Re-earn their business. –One of the biggest mistakes we see people make is mistaking delivering a great experience for earning a customer’s business for life. For some, sure, a job well done means you’ll go back to the same agent the next time you have a real estate need. But some consumers treat transactions like exactly that: You do a service for them, they pay you for that service, end of transaction. That’s why it’s important to stay on your past clients’ minds, but not be intrusive or obnoxious about it. We’ve crafted an email for you to send that can help achieve both.

Subject Line:  What’s your plan?

Here’s the message we wrote: Hi [name], It’s sometimes hard to imagine a day when you’re going to want to sell your home, but that day eventually comes. 1 year, 3 years, 5 years? It’s hard to say because life has a way about being unpredictable.

I wanted to make sure you knew I was here for you when that moment came. My job is to help develop a plan: There are things we can be doing now and, in the future, to help maximize your profit when you sell. This includes your mortgage payment schedule, what home improvements to make or avoid, and, of course, timing. All these factors (and many more) have a dramatic impact on what you should do between now and when the time comes to sell.

  1. Incentivize loyalty. –You’re probably familiar with loyalty cards and VIP programs. You probably even do some form of one, with the occasional gift and past client appreciation events. VIP experience enhances the whole process. Make past clients and referrers feel special with one-time perks like free movie tickets and dinner at local restaurants, but she also formalizes it with quarterly gifts, recurring coffee, and tea, and more.
  2. Speak to their pain points. –People have a hard time believing you can solve their problems if you haven’t made it clear you understand what those problems are. Many avoid writing discussing the potential pitfalls, not wanting to appear to be a fearmonger. But there’s a lot of space between “everything is awesome” and being a Negative Nelly – space that real people occupy and need guidance through. So don’t be afraid to acknowledge those pain points in your ads and emails. Speak to issues like not knowing whether it’s the right time to list, whether they’ll be able to afford a new home, the complications of the home selling process, and more. Then point them to the Seller Services page we recommended you build back in Tip #10 and stake your claim as the expert who can help through all the challenges.
  3. Level up your just sold posts and home value ads. – There was a time when simply publishing a good looking “Just Sold” post on Facebook was enough to be a differentiator. That time has passed. It’s time to get back ahead of the curve. Everyone’s doing them now. So how do you make yours stand out? This data can be presented as the dry, public record that it is, or you can make it connect with your audience by framing it in a specific, timely way. Which of these are you more likely to click?

OPTION A: Just Sold ABOVE Listing Price: 2 bed, 2 bath condo in the North End
OPTION B: Another North End Condo Sells ABOVE Asking Price: Find out how this impacts your home’s value.

The best opportunity you have now is to turn these “Just Sold” moments from general awareness campaigns that showcase your overall prowess into direct opportunities to help individuals who will do business with you.

  1. Give away your secret sauce.There is a general fear in real estate that if we give away our information, our competition will steal our ideas, or our consumers will realize that they don’t need us. But the truth is this: Consumers have proven time and time again they are willing to pay for convenience. Instacart, Dollar Shave Club, Quip Toothbrush — all charge a premium to remove the hassle from the process of buying or using the product. By giving away your trade secrets, you elevate your brand and become the authority. It’s counterintuitive but it’s true. Creating a well-designed, comprehensive, useful piece like “40 Top Tips for Selling Your Home is a big step in earning the trust of the consumer.”
  2. Use your current bona fide buyers. –Ask for help and humanize the message by sharing first names of buyers and what they want to buy and spread the word. Email your database or post on your social media channels who is looking and what they need. If safe you can door knock or leave a door hanger, mail a flyer or postcard, or just post a video asking for help for you buyers and see if that triggers a listing appointment response.
  3. Mail or drop off unsolicited CMA packages to all your past clients.Just put together all the listings and sales in the last 6 months that are relative them and their home. Don’t give them your opinion of value and call them a few days later asking them if they got it? Any questions? See if this will trigger a listing appointment response for you as well.

So, there you have some more creative of ways to be proactively generating appointments for listing opportunities in a market that we all need to be proactive versus reactive to get that product and inventory back up again. Feel free to reach out and share any other great listing appointment generators you may be having success with today!

Strength and courage,