Happy New Year Realtors – Let’s KICKSTART 2014 Right!

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Jumpstart the First Quarter of Your Real Estate Business in 2014

how to be productive in real estate in 2014Happy New Year to all my real estate agent friends around the world!

I hope you all had a great Christmas break and are ready to hit the ground running. The important thing about "running" when it comes to making your real estate business successful is that you're going in the right direction.

Working "hard" is great if you are working on things that produce long term results which move you towards achieving your most important goals.

To help point you in a productive direction I am going to share my "Top 25 List of Things a Realtor Can Do to Be Productive in 2014"

[feature_box style="13" title="Top 25 List for 2014" alignment="center"]

  1. Mail your best year in Real Estate Letter. Make the letter all about them and not you. Be SURE to thank your clients for your success.
  2. Mail your 2013 client surveys. Anyone you did business with last year. Beg for feedback.
  3. Mail out your “How to Fight Your Property Assessment Notice” Package. Must be done before January 31, 2014
  4. Take a free computer or technology class online. Search Google and YouTube for www.techsavyagent.com. Just learn one new thing for 2014.
  5. Hire a virtual assistant to give you more time to focus on the things you do best and make you the most money. www.elance.com www.freelancer.com www.odesk.com www.fiverr.com www.teamdoubleclick.com www.guru.com
  6. Google "your biggest challenges" in your Real Estate business. See what you can learn.
  7. Create, Rebrand or Upgrade your Profile Page on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest.
  8. Create your YouTube Channel and post video of "Why You"? Why your company? Why buy and sell now? Post video of your listings too.
  9. Create your Real Estate Blog. www.activerain.com www.tumblr.com www.wordpress.com
  10. Create Single Property Websites for each of your listings in 2014. www.singlepropertywebsite.com
  11. Extend all your listings 4-6 months to cover you into the spring market. Try for price reductions too.
  12. Provide and mail a CMA for all your past clients with just the Active, Sold and Expired. Don’t give them your opinion of value in hopes they call.
  13. New Photography of yourself or your listings in early 2014. A fresh look for you and your inventory.
  14. Time for a Client Management System. CRM. www.topproducer.com www.propertybase.com www.agentoffice.com www.referralmaker.com
  15. Time for new business cards. Try foil, plastic, rounded corners or the new NFC cards with a built in microchip www.moo.com/nfc/
  16. Time for a new look postcard in 2014. How about a door hanger instead this year. www.doorhangers.com
  17. Take control of your time this year. Auto email responders for your PC and Mobile device. Real time voice messaging for your office and mobile phone. Let them know you are busy and will email or call at "this time" today.
  18. Create a vision board. Cut, Paste and Post Google images of things you want and desire in all areas of your life in 2014. Post on your PC and Mobile screensaver, bathroom mirror, fridge and office desk.
  19. Clean up your desk, office, vehicle and briefcase to start the year.
  20. Plan a special day, event or experience for those that you care about most in January and let them know how much you care about them in 2014.
  21. Get a new haircut and clothing makeover for 2014. Exercise and eat right this year too.
  22. Clean up messes to start the year. Personal, situational and relational issues that have been put off for some time. Time to say sorry and move on.
  23. Get up one hour earlier every day in 2014. Imagine the extra time you will have by adding one hour a day to your whole year.
  24. Find a mentor or become a mentor to someone this year. When the student is ready the teacher appears. Changes your life.
  25. Collect all your past clients Anniversary Home Purchase dates and send them all an Anniversary card this year. You can even schedule it automatically using www.sendoutcards.com


Now the temptation at this point is to look at this list and say "ahhh none of these look all that ground breaking" or "I'll get to it next week" BUT.... (this is me treading softly) if you want to BLAST past your year in 2013 it will require "hanging up" the excuses and taking action. We all have our fridges, bathroom mirrors and computer screens littered with awesome motivational quotes BUT nothing changes the "Bottom line" like action taking.

I challenge you this year to make the #1 item on your list to be to do the things you know you should be doing but have been procrastinating on implementing them.

Sure, some of the items above in and of themselves would be trivial but when you add up the effects of numerous small changes it equates to a significant overall impact.

To help sweeten the pot and give you a gentle kick in the behind if you drop in your name and email address below I will give you "FREE"...

[feature_box style="13" title="3 Free Kickstart Bonuses for 2014" alignment="center"]

  • A copy of my “Best Year Ever” letter for item #1 on the list above
  • A PDF copy of my “Consumer Research Questionnaire” to help with item #2 on the list above
  • A PDF copy of my “Tax Fighter Kit” to help with item #3 on the list above

Fill in your name and email below to instantly receive these 3 Bonuses


Grab your free resources below and then get out there and make 2014 your best year ever...

Strength and courage,

Pass on this list and resources by sharing using the buttons below...

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