Learn my time management strategies for Realtors© in 2023
In a recent poll of active real estate agents one of the top challenges was time management. Most agents have little to no accountability or training in using their time effectively, so they end up piddling away minutes, hours and then day after day being busy, but doing very little to effectively build their real estate business. This misuse of time is tragic because not only does one typically not achieve their financial and professional goals, but they usually feel stressed as they don’t know how to turn things around and therefore it also affects their level of fulfillment and overall enjoyment of life. In today’s post I list the top time management mistakes of agents and then give effective strategies to gain control of your time and make it work for you and your business. Let’s learn about this today… act and create a fantastic 2023!
How many of the above are you guilty of? Even as the presenter of this post I see several areas I can improve. Now is a great time to point out there is no one who is perfect at time management. We all have room for improvement, so it isn’t about winning or failing it is about taking an honest assessment of where you currently are and taking steps in the right direction… Starting right NOW!
Remember this isn’t a race, it’s a marathon. Don’t try to implement all 19 management strategies at once or you will defeat the purpose. Take one or two that really resonate with where you currently are and where you want to be and apply them. Once they are a habit in your life then add a couple more into the mix. Be diligent with this process and within 3-6 months you will be amazed at how much you get done in a day and how fulfilled and at peace you feel. Since you are busy spending your “time” each day why not spend it efficiently to better your business and improve your lifestyle?
Strength and courage,
Phone: (250) 212-8220 | Wade@agentsboost.com