Are you the type of agent that does too many things and just doesn't do any of them well?
Are you feeling like your real estate career is a treadmill you just can't get off?
I had the privilege of attending a Leadership Summit a few weeks back where one of the speakers Bill Hybels shared about the common trap of trying to be all things to all people.
We all have the tendency to do too many things and not do any of them well because of having little time or little focus. Why can't we focus on a few high impact activities and do them with excellence?
Why do we feel to be productive we have to do more than we can, even at the cost of poor execution?
Most of us not only do too many things and tend not to do them well but we also do them over long periods of time until we finally burn out and quit doing them all together.
The real estate business does not have to be a marathon but can be a series of well executed sprints.
I know in my own career after a six week period I often began to really not enjoy people. Now in the real estate business (just so you know), this is not a good thing and could become very destructive and costly.
Hybels suggested to take the time to think what six... and only six activities you do in your real estate business that give you the most energy.
What specific activities energize you and your business?
Not just energize you and your business but have the biggest impact and return on investment.
Once you have determined your top six activities you commit to them for the next 6 weeks.
Giving you a 6 by 6 plan.
6 energizing activities over a 6 week period and then walk away, rest and regroup for your next 6 by 6.
How many of us could handle six high impact, energizing activities over a six week period. Instead of 52 or more activities over a 52 week period?
What would that mean for your energy levels?
Your production levels?
Your over all effectiveness in your business and personal life?
Strength and courage,
Phone: (250) 212-8220 |