Just Show Up. Put In the Work!

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real estate is hard workEvery agent wants to separate themselves from the masses of agents in the business and stand out from the herd. I have accepted the fact that 80% of the agents I coach and who read my blog posts and take my training will be completely motivated, fired up and inspired but then do not a damn thing I share with them to change their business income and life. I think I might be generous with the 80% and maybe more like 98% of REALTORs.

I am not where I am today and achieved what I was able to achieve as a sales agent and a broker owner because I changed into a suit and a cape in a phone booth. It is amazing to me how so many agents can come up with so many different reasons why the other agents are so successful and why this agent is not successful and why they are not successful themselves. The reality is the only reason why I was fortunate enough to be successful and other agents you see that are so successful is we all did the one most important thing. “We all just showed up and did the work!” That is right, we all just showed up and did the work we were told to do and knew that the success would come from all the fruits of our labor.

Stop looking for that silver bullet, a shortcut or having such a lack of patience for your own success in real estate, I am sorry to say they do not exist! I see so many agents try something and don’t get the result they were looking for immediately and just stop doing it because they have decided in their own minds it doesn’t work. Why do agents turn on an online lead generation system and receive say 40 online buyer leads in the first week and don’t convert any of them in the first week and say to themselves well I tried and that doesn’t seem to work either and unsubscribe from the system? What else do you have that generates 40 buyer leads in a week and why turn it off, is my question? Let me ask you this….

Who do we really get to know as a buyer in the first week or two when the average buyer process is around three to eighteen months? But that is the agents mentality today and their expectation of lead generation, only looking for the quick fix and not the long tail in the world of real estate sales. One of my mentors said “You need to be faithful with the little to be given much.” Meaning you got to show up every day, make the calls, see the people, add value to others, find a need and meet it for buyer and sellers that need and deserve your help and just put in the work! Some of you may act on this message but most of you won’t.

If you want to be more in your business and life then start showing up starting today and put in the work and you will see the results and fruits of your labor!

Do, Act, Show Up, Implement and Execute on what you already know.

You all know enough already, stop looking to know more and start doing what you already know you are supposed to do. I don’t want my message today to come across as a little harsh but a message of hope for those that need a push to just start showing up!

Strength and courage,

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