8 Signs That It’s Time To Hire An Assistant
1. Income has plateaued
2. Consistently missing sales or listing goals
3. No free time or running too fast
4. Cracks in the system
5. Not enough lead gen sources
6. 9+ hours of work (working late every night)
7. Becoming tired or uninspired
8. Missing quality of life.
I have seen and heard so many real estate trainer, speaker coaches emphasize the importance of hiring an unlicensed assistant, and I agree with their encouragement. The difficulty is to find content and instructions to help an agent get past their mental road block of:
1. How and when to hire an assistant.
2. Where to find a qualified assistant.
3. What assistant is best for them to hire.
Because I so love this AgentsBoost community I have put together a 35 page comprehensive PDF Report on How to Hire and Unlicensed Real Estate Assistant you can download for FREE at the bottom of this post. Be sure to pick it up as it goes into far more detail on every aspect I touch on in this post... it leaves nothing out!!
We believe delivering the best real estate experience possible and helping and serving others is what drives us to do what we do. What are your core values? What is your mission statement? Your values, purpose and mission must be in line with the person you choose to have work with you as an assistant. Determine your values, purpose and mission! Whenever I hire and agent or coach a new agent it is so important that we have similar beliefs, ideas and philosophies personally and professionally to be able to work together.
Knowing and identifying the right personality types is key to hiring an assistant for any agent especially when all agents want to hire the assistant that is just like them! Here is the breakdown and profiles of the 2 key personality types agents should seek when hiring the right person for an assistant position.
Amiable - they are good listeners, friendly, relational, warm and approachable. Open with their feelings, agreeable, dependable and rely on their feelings to make decisions.
Analytical - they are good planners and organizers, task oriented, time disciplined, like learning and detail oriented.
**I go into far more detail on this including Personality Tests and Assessment Surveys in the Free download you can grab at the bottom of the post.**
The next step in the hiring an assistant journey is knowing exactly what they should be doing. So many agents have done too much for too long and really haven't thought about all the things they can delegate and systemize and free their time up just being able to do the high dollar activities in real estate. Use this list to create your job description for your assistant's position:
Once we have identified the right person and the right personality for the position. We have also created a job description and action plan for what they need to be doing in that position. Now we need to find them!! So here are suggestions for where to market and promote this assistant opportunity.
Employment agencies
Print - newspaper, classified, coffee news, magazine
Be prepared to invest the next 30 days of your business with this process to ensure that you don't make the mistake of hiring the wrong person for the job. Determine your expectations for the right candidate with their working hours, days and compensation?
Make sure you also have the following items covered.
1) Write a precise, detailed ad for the job (Sample ad included in Free Download below)
2) Place the ad in the strategic places
3) Review all resumes
4) Create candidate short list from resumes
5) Begin interviews ( 5 maximum per day ) 30-60 minutes each
6) Use pre planned interview questions (Samples included in Free Download below)
7) Personality profile test your top choices
8) Choose final candidate
9) Offer them a job
10) Complete all the paperwork immediately
Now it is time to take the list of all the activities you have for your assistant and slowly begin to implement them one by one. I suggest you make checklists as you build each activity you implement together. This is so helpful to have in the event your assistant leaves, gets sick or needs to be replaced you have a step by step checklist of action steps for everything you do. I also love this because you the agent don't need to micro manage your assistant, they just follow the checklists and systems each day.
So there you have it!
The plan for hiring an assistant for real estate. In 23 years I have never not had an assistant. The ability to leverage, delegate and do more with the right person on your time will change your life personally and professionally! I trust that you will find the courage to make the leap in your business and life and hire that assistant!
Click here to download your free e-book on hiring a real estate assistant
Strength and Courage,
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Phone: (250) 212-8220 | Wade@agentsboost.com