My 52 Touch System To Crushing It In Real Estate in 2015!

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Are You Mining the Gold in Your Database?

real estate database goldFor more than a decade I have been coaching top producing agents and over and over again I hear that every one of them can attribute anywhere from 60% - 95% of their business to their database, sphere of influence, relationships personally and professionally and referrals. The irony of that response is when I next ask them how many times they connect with this massive source of their business each year? I think you all can guess the response is shocking! Not good shocking! Ha Ha. Why is it a real estate agent will spend 6 times more time and money to get a client than they will keeping and having a relationship with them? The statistics with most trainers and N.A.R. I have heard with a geographic farm is an agent needs to connect with their farm area a minimum of 2 times a month. Isn’t it sad most agents in our industry will connect with perfect strangers more than the most important people in their business? 2015 is the year my coaching clients have a plan for their most important clients prior to the launch of the new year. What would it mean to you, your business and your income in 2015 to have a plan laid out in advance to be able to know who you need to connect with? How you connect with them? What we are saying when we connect? When we need to connect with them? I am challenging my coaching clients to execute on this minimum 52 Touch System in 2015 and commit to a touch a week to the most important people and watch what happens!

Real Estate Database 52 Touch System... Who... How... When

Step one is to decide on the "Who"? Get your hit list of people that know you, like you, trust you and would be glad to hear from you. Gather names, address, phone number, email etc. The more we have the, greater our success! Once we have identified all the clients in our database then our next step is to determine the "How"? We don’t want to be stalking, annoying but adding value and letting them know we care and they are valuable to us and our business. Step 2 is to choose the 52 ways in which we will touch our database (see slide below) build realtor database Sept 3 is then to choose the appropriate message and content that suits each way we choose, the "How.” (see slide below) build realtor database Step 4 is then take the calendar and time block each touch for each week of the year, the “When”. (see slide below) realtor database schedule The key to success for most of us is to delegate, systematize and organize as much of this process as possible. To limit the “heavy lifting” ourselves and have someone or something in place to ensure everyone on your list, and every touch and every time is completed and the action is taken. This implementation I assure you will have a return on investment far greater than most realtors in our industry have ever imagined. I trust you have the courage to implement this 52 touch system for you and your business in 2015 and crush it in the next year! Feel free to comment or email me any of your own ideas or thoughts on this strategy... I would love to hear from you all. Continued Success, Wade Please pass this post on using the sharing buttons below...