Secrets To The Highest Producing REALTORS in the Country

secrets to top producing real estate agents

Learn What the Top Agents Do then Copy Them… Simple! So many agents want to get to the next level in real estate but quite honestly don’t know what to do in order to get there. One of the simplest places to start is to learn what the highest producing agents in the industry do […]

You Need To Stay On Script In Real Estate Sales

The Benefits Of Real Estate Scripts, Dialogs & Canned Sales Presentations Script- A series of questions and words to lead someone to a desired result. I was reminded this past week while attending an intense sales training course in California of the incredible importance of using scripts, dialogs and canned sales presentations as a base to […]

The Secrets to Working with Buyers Exclusively & Getting Paid

realtor exclsuive buyer agreement

Redefine Your Buyer Agent Mindset for 2015 For more than two decades I have watched real estate agents roll the dice and let the home buyer take advantage of them, their profession and their time. Why do we continue to gamble and let the buyer play the game better than us? With the creation of […]

5 Techniques For Effective Communication as a REALTOR

realtor communiction and conversion skills

Overcome the Biggest Challenge in Real Estate Sales… “Leads don’t matter because lead conversion is where the money is.” ~ B Pipes. Recently, the biggest challenge in our industry was getting enough leads for our real estate business… today the biggest challenge in real estate sales is managing the leads and actually converting them into […]

[Podcast #3] AgentsBoost Lazy Realtor Coaching with Wade Webb

AgentsBoost Real Estate Coaching With Wade Webb Podcasts on iTunes

Lazy Realtor Coaching with Wade Webb Click Here to Hear Audio Podcast AgentsBoost Lazy Realtor Coaching with Wade Webb Hey everyone its Wade Webb the founder of AgentsBoost. I started my real estate business as a 21-year old and I really had no life skills, no experience, I hadn’t even own my own home when […]

7 Secrets to Real Estate Freedom

learn the secrets of real estate freedom

I believe every agent has a goal for real estate freedom by creating a healthy income stream and to have a business to sell and an exit strategy at the end of their career. Why does this not happen for everyone and only for the very few in real estate? Tony Robbins said “Shift, change […]

Help Us Help You in Your Real Estate Business…

free lazy realtor book by wade webb

You may not have noticed but the other day was the last day of the 1st quarter for 2014 which is a great time to ask the question… “Where am I at in my real estate business?” Based on the goals you set for 2014, are you 1/4 of the way there? Or are you […]

How to Convert Internet Real Estate Leads to Listings and Sales.

do internet real estate leads convert

Web Leads DON’T Suck! The National Association of Realtors research shows the average buyer searches for 2 weeks on their own prior to contacting a real estate agent. For this reason agents now need a strategy designed for internet lead conversion that can be completed over a 10 – 14 day time period. Prior to […]