The 12 Days Of Real Estate Christmas – Top 12 Real Estate Must Do’s

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Oreal estate 12 Days of Christmasn the First Day of real estate my true love gave to me... Spend some focused time on your real estate database prior to 2016. If you don’t have a database then assemble one. If you have an existing database take the time and purge the contacts you don’t really have a relationship with. Take some time and courage to contact your database and qualify by asking; "if they had a friend or family member buying and selling, who would they refer and recommend?" Stop feeling comfortable with a list of 300 names, addresses, phone numbers and emails of people that you don’t even know if they would even do business with you.

On the Second Day of real estate my true love gave to me... Create a multi touch system for your database that would deepen your value and relationship with them. Reaching out at least twice a month using a different method of communication (email, mail, text, video email, video, phone call, Facebook message, Facebook like or comment, lunch, coffee, client appreciation event, snap chat, Instagram) and mix it up with a different message and content every time.

On the Third Day of real estate my true love gave to me... Always be generating leads. High-volume agents don’t just service existing business and then start lead generating once they have closed the majority of their transactions. Instead, they block time to do something each business day that gets them closer to earning a new client. In a nutshell, there are two ways to be successful in real estate: By Default: live in the same area for years where everyone knows you and eventually sends you business; or By Design: time-block a relatively small portion of each business day to proactively generate for new leads.

On the Fourth Day of real estate my true love gave to me... Focus on Listings. If a real estate agent is working more than 65 hours a week and not closing more than 45 transactions annually, the agent either has a time management problem and/or is working with far more buyers than sellers. You can handle four times as many listing sides than buyer sides at the same time. So, top producing real estate agents always focus their lead generation activities on the listing side.

On the Fifth Day of real estate my true love gave to me... Don’t let prospecting scare you. For real estate agents looking for immediate business, top agents know that the quickest conversion ratios come from contacting FSBOs (for-sale-by-owners) and expired listings. Although many agents are reluctant to reach out to people they don’t know, these are people who typically want to sell their home right now.

On the Sixth Day of real estate my true love gave to me... Build an agent to agent referral system with agents working the areas where the people are coming from to buy real estate in your market. Contact them once a month and stay top of mind and be that referral agent of choice in your market area. Help them with their business with tips and ideas and leverage that "Give to Get" strategy for referrals.

On the Seventh Day of real estate my true love gave to me... Know what to say and how to say it. Scripts and dialogs are important. Successful real estate agents understand that whether they use someone else’s scripts, dilaogs or their own, they’ll eventually start saying the same things they know will work. Using tested real estate scripts created by others simply eliminates the trial and error process and enables agents to start seeing desired results more quickly.

On the Eighth Day of real estate my true love gave to me... Have powerful sales presentations and visuals. Don’t tell them but show and sell them. Have a visually powerful presentation for listings, buyers and pricing. Don’t just wing it and leave things to chance but engage people to want to do business with you , your company and NOW!

On the Ninth Day of Christmas my true love gave to me... Know your why and have a purpose. My goal that drives me every day is to impact and improve people’s lives personally and professionally every day. Real estate is the vehicle that makes this happen. We all need to be part of something bigger than ourselves. If your why is big enough then the how takes care of itself!!


On the Tenth Day of real estate my true love gave to me... Be of service and focus on helping others get what they want and you in turn get what you want. Listen for the need and be aware of others fears, challenges and offer to help. So as to not “bother” the general public when prospecting for new business, top real estate agents always tie the reason they’re contacting people in with providing some type of value at the same time. Always come from a mindset of contribution.

On the Eleventh Day of real estate my true love gave to me... Be a lean mean appointment setting machine. The lead generation is great but not having the skill to convert to the appointment is a real estate killer. Know what you have and what you can offer for them and engage them to want to sit down and meet with you. No appointments means no presentations, no contracts and ultimately no income for your business.

On the Twelfth Day of real estate my true love gave to me... Leverage by systemization and delegation. When real estate agents consistently do not have time to prospect for new business because they are too busy servicing their existing business it’s time to hire someone to help out. The first hire should be an administrative assistant, not a buyer’s agent. Administrative assistants help agents make more money by freeing up time for agents to perform more important revenue-generating activities.

I trust your holiday season is full of love, happiness and joy

Strength and Courage,


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