Top 10 Most Read Posts for 2020

What an amazing year for AgentsBoost blog content and coaching services. Once again we had 10’s of thousands of visitors to our website last year and our coaching clients had tremendous growth in 2020! I am humbled by the incredible growth this past year and honored to have so many agents around the world taking advantage of our content and coaching. You have let us know the need out there is greater than ever.

This week is a review of the best of the best content in 2020 and what our supporters found the most helpful with their business this past year on AgentsBoost.


#1 F.O.R.D. – Learn the Secret to Engage Your Clients

develop self confidence as a realtor with clients

A simple acronym called F.O.R.D. which stands for Family… Occupation… Recreation and Dreams.

Whenever he came face to face with a client for the first time and one of those awkward social “small talk” moments. F.O.R.D. came to his rescue.


#2 The Secrets to Getting More Offers Accepted in Todays Market

present real estate offers

Present Offers More Effectively… Have More Offers Accepted… Sell More Real Estate.


#3 Powerful Pre Listing Appointment Questionnaire

Pre listing Questionare

This simple strategy is a fantastic way to impress the prospective seller by connecting with them in advance of our appointment. By confirming the appointment date and time it shows them we were really on the ball with our service as an agent, sets us apart from competitors and helps us create a superior experience for them even before we take their listing.


#4 The Top 7 Prospecting Methods In Real Estate

real estate prospecting

One of the greatest disciplines all top producers have in common is their commitment to consistent daily prospecting and lead generation in their business. Agents are always looking for the best methods of prospecting and trying to find the methods that have the easiest methods or the highest return on investment activities.


#5 Shocking Real Estate Sales Stats That Will Change How You Do Business

real estate sales statistics

It’s so important to take the time to think and put ourselves in the shoes of our customers rather than thinking like a realtor and what we need and want all the time. This week we look and see the trends of our customers and how to model what they want and need from us. So let’s get started….


#6 Do You Have Systems, Checklists and Processes?

real estate systems

Systems and processes provide us all with leverage and more time as a real estate business owner. Every good organization has an operations manual for consistency, scalability and execution. Let’s look at some of the simple and powerful systems and processes you can use to take your business to the next level.


#7 REALTOR© Business Planning For 2021

realtor business plan 2020

A mentor of mine said to me “agents aim for nothing and hit it with amazing success!” 2020 is wrapping up and what did you aim for? What did you hit? It is the perfect time of year to aim for something in 2021 and hit it with amazing success! So when 2020 begins to wind down you should not wait until the very end to start planning for 2021. This means having a crystal clear understanding of the successes and challenges of your current year, how it impacts your upcoming year, and developing a vision of what you want to accomplish, and how. Many agents aim for nothing every year and most hit it with amazing accuracy!!


#8 The Top Agents Daily Checklist

millionaire realtor check list

We all know we have the same 365 days, 52 weeks, 12 months in our real estate year and begin with an even playing field, right? So what is the secret to the top producing agents and what they do with that same time every other agent has? We know it boils down to implementation and execution of specific activities done over time with consistency that creates the long term massive success we all want.


#9 A Lost Art In Real Estate Sales – The Hand Written Note

realtor hand written notes

Personal gestures are meaningful and memorable and right at the top of personal gestures sit hand written notes.

Always send a card or note when you are reminded of a person. So many sales professionals including myself think right away well that sounds nice, but I am too busy.


#10 An Agents Most Precious Commodity

realtor time wasters

Once, a king and a lazy man named Haria were very good friends. One morning, the king said, “Why don’t you do work to earn some money?” Haria said, “No one gives me job. My enemies told everyone that I never do any work in time.” The kind king said, “You can go into my treasury and collect as much wealth as you can, till sunset.” Haria rushed home to tell this to his wife. She said, “Go and get the gold coins and gems now.” “I cannot go now. Give me lunch first.” After lunch, he took a nap for an hour. Then in the late afternoon, he picked some bags and went to the palace. On the way, he felt hot so he sat under a tree to rest. Then, two hours later, he got up to go but saw a man showing some magic tricks. He stopped to watch for an hour again. When he reached the palace it was already time for sunset. The palace gates had been shut. So Haria had lost a golden chance because he had not learnt the value of time.


Strength and courage,

How Gratitude Can Change Your Life

realtor gratitudegrat·i·tude – ɡradəˌt(y)o͞od/ – noun – The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

Let me ask you a few questions. Would you like more joy in your life? Increased productivity? Better relationships? What if I told you that just one thing can help you in all these areas? An Attitude Of Gratitude is that one thing!

What the heck Wade? Gratitude?

I thought this was a real estate or business blog and not a self-help blog? I have spent time with so many incredibly successful people and they all have this one simple, yet powerful trait and that is Gratitude. Here is my list of the benefits to creating a habit and attitude of gratitude.

1. Gratitude makes us happier. A five-minute a day gratitude journal can increase your long-term well-being by more than 10 percent.

2. Gratitude makes people like us. Gratitude makes us nicer, more trusting, more social, and more appreciative. As a result, it helps us make more friends, deepen our existing relationships, and improve our marriage.

3. Gratitude makes us healthier. There is even reason to believe gratitude can extend your lifespan by a few months or even years.

4. Gratitude boosts our career. Gratitude helps you achieve your career goals, as well as making your workplace a more friendly and enjoyable place to be.

5. Gratitude strengthens our emotions. Gratitude reduces feelings of envy, makes our memories happier, lets us experience good feelings, and helps us bounce back from stress.

6. Gratitude develops our personality.

7. Gratitude makes us more optimistic. Gratitude is strongly correlated with optimism. Optimism in turn makes us happier and improves our health.

8. Gratitude reduces materialism. Materialism is strongly correlated with reduced well-being and increased rates of mental disorder.

9. Gratitude makes us less self-centered. I’ll be totally honest, I’m self-centered at times. I’m a lot better now that I’ve brought gratitude into my life, but I still spend way too much time thinking about myself and my ego and not enough time thinking about others.

10. Gratitude increases self-esteem. Imagine a world where no one helps you. Despite you asking and pleading, no one helps you. Now imagine a world where many people help you all of the time for no other reason than that they like you.

11. Gratitude helps us bounce back. Those that have more gratitude have a more pro-active coping style, are more likely to have and seek out social support in times of need. In other words they are more resilient.

12. Gratitude makes us feel good. Surprise, surprise: gratitude actually feels good. Yet only 20% of Americans rate gratitude as a positive and constructive emotion (compared to 50% of Europeans).

13. Gratitude helps us relax. Gratitude and positive emotion in general are among the strongest relaxants known to man.

14. Gratitude makes you friendlier. Multiple studies have shown gratitude induces pro-social behavior.

15. Gratitude increases your goal achievement. In one study, participants were asked to write down those goals which they wished to accomplish over the next two months. Those who were instructed to keep a gratitude journal reported more progress on achieving their goals at the end of the study.

I trust some of these benefits of gratitude resonate with you and you see the value of implementing gratitude into your daily routine. I am so grateful for all those that have supported AgentsBoost since its inception and I can’t thank you all enough for the support of our tens of thousands readers, following us in more than a hundred different countries and the hundreds of coaching clients I get to work with.

Strength and courage,

PS… Click Here to grab your free copy of the Business Plan Workbook for 2018 available from our Homepage

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